I've looked at her photos from the old days. She was insanely adorable.

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Beautiful elegy.

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Thank you for this Sara; it brought me to tears. The world is worse off without her in it.

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Thank you Sara for this beautiful tribute to one of America's best former First Ladies.

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Thank you for this. ❤️

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Ta, Sara. I'm a huge fan of that Carter couple. Rosalynn was a light in this world. May her memory always be a blessing.

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I'm about to phone in to a meeting with an estate lawyer, at which my two remaining siblings and my mother are going to update her will and make sure everything is legally proper and expresses her wishes appropriately. My mom has recently been diagnosed with dementia. She will be 87 in February. I'm tearing up and trying not to because the appointment is about to start, but I salute Rosalynn Carter for a live well lived. She is right: don't wait to create or update your most important documents, just in case. And update them as your life and your estate changes!

I hope when Jimmy goes, his family forbids any Trump or trumpian jerks/hangers-on from attending the funeral. (Sorry. I'm still verklempt.)

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I just hope Jimmy (or worse, Biden or Obama) doesn't die while PAB is in office, assuming the worst and he slimes his way back in. I can only imagine the type of shitshow that malignant narcissist would turn one of their funerals into.

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Beautiful tribute. Thank you for highlighting who she was outside of her husband. May she find her reward and may Jimmy find comfort until they are reunited.

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This is the best Obit of Mrs. Carter of the dozen or so I've read.

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Thank you Sara... this is just beautiful.

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I cried yesterday when I heard of her death. I have more tears in my eyes right now. Beautiful writing, Sara.

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Before Hillary, there was a First Lady who clearly was not content to sit at home, baking cookies for her man. Although it sounds like she did that, too. Her husband appears never to have taken her for granted or lost his regard for - or feelings for- her.

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Let's not forget Betty Ford who was a pistol.

And went public with her own addiction to make life easier for others.

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Very nice. RIP

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My mother turned 82 last month; the Carters were married when she was 5. Truly a partnership for the ages.

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Rip Rosalynn. Jimmy was lucky to have you and I'm sure his heart is broken right now. It would be well to remind ourselves that we are able to enjoy these beautiful obituaries about Rosalynn because she never sought power for herself. Hillary's obit will inevitably be full of controversy because she dared to seek power on her own. In America we* like our women in the background. Hillary as Secretary of State had an extremely high approval rating. It wasn't until she asked for more that we turned on her like a pack of dogs. I have no doubt we would have done the same to Rosalynn but worse. Interesting that we continue to consider Michelle as a potential POTUS candidate because she's made it clear that she's not interested. If she was interested it would be an all-out hate campaign against her.

*Not a royal we. We here at Wonkette are much more enlightened. :)

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Her memory will always be a blessing. We were fortunate to share the planet with her.

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