What a fucking cunt John Rocker continues to be. Hey fuckhead, "President George H. W. Bush's" Chicago was a far deadlier place to be - there were 940 murders recorded in Chicago in 1992. Reagan's and W's Chicagos were also far deadlier than BO's. In 2010, the number of murders recorded in Chicago was lower than any year since 1965. Meaning the murder rate only started going back up after SCOTUS struck down the city's handgun ban. Suck. On. That.
Think about this for a second: Send John Rocker first to Afghanistan to do further research and then to Chicago to contrast and compare.
Your city makes it illegal, and voila: it's illegal in your city.
The fact that you can buy twenty AR-15s in Virginia with no questions asked doesn't really help you in Chicago or New York.
"President Barack Obama's Chicago"
What a fucking cunt John Rocker continues to be. Hey fuckhead, "President George H. W. Bush's" Chicago was a far deadlier place to be - there were 940 murders recorded in Chicago in 1992. Reagan's and W's Chicagos were also far deadlier than BO's. In 2010, the number of murders recorded in Chicago was lower than any year since 1965. Meaning the murder rate only started going back up after SCOTUS struck down the city's handgun ban. Suck. On. That.
Compare too Desperate Dan <a href="https://encrypted-tbn2.gsta..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:A...">https://encrypted-tbn2.gsta...
&quot;...steel phallus crowd...&quot;
That&#039;s some very funny stuff, right there!
OK - I&#039;ll be first.
It isn&#039;t &quot;John&quot; Rocker.
It&#039;s &quot;Offhizz.&quot;
It seems he must have taken a few to the head for the team. Maybe a few more will put him back to normal. It always works on TeeVee.
Well, ain&#039;t that special: Rocker and Nugent are on the same page!
How do you fig-ure that?
With all those guns in all those pockets, shouldn&#039;t Chicago&#039;s blah neighborhoods be more polite?
PEDs &ne; Physiognomy Enhancing Drugs
Maybe Chicago should arm its hockey team at the risk of Blackhawks down.
Calling WND a sewage treatment plant seems incredibly unfair to sewage treatment plants somehow.
Perhaps its because they actually serve a useful function? I also imagine they smell better.