hundreds.And the press did not mention the millions who did NOT attend.Right?

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Hypocrite? That would fit.

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So true. I remember when I first left NC to go to college in Pennsylvania. Heaven help anyone who mistakenly thought I was from the state that is home to the infamous I-95 stop South of the Border.

Nowadays, if someone mistakes me from the southern Carolina, I don't even bother correcting them... NC has finally managed to beat SC in a barefoot race back to 1850.

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But I thought the NC nitwits were all so peeved about those protesters pulling down Confederate Participation Awards because they were BREAKING THE LAW????

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I had a history class once in which a student expressed confusion over the civil rights struggle being so difficult. She couldn't understand how so many people could be so awful. I imagine history students decades from now will look back at this time with similar befuddlement. "All they had to do was stay home, right? Why couldn't they just do that?"

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They don't mention in a report about a murder the millions who don't murder either.

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They already have a lethal desease, Trumpitis. Symptoms are profound stupidity,no self awareness,lack of empathy and the desire to crawl up Trump's butt and reside ,till they die from the stench.

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"Weather forecast? Chili today, hot tamale!" Sorry, I just always get a kick out of SOtheB's billboards whenever I drive by it.

I'm going to throw you a bone here. NC used to be a fairly smart state. Then a bunch of people from SC moved up to the mountains. Plus, you also got gerrymandered all to hell. I think it was the combination of an influx of SC virus, and the gerrymander that made your state as dumb as mine. I think once the gerrymander problem is gone, your home state will get a little bit brighter. It still pains me to look at Morning Consult and see that Trump is still 2 points up in that state. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a return to sanity for NC.

PS - people think I'm from CA, too, and I never bother to correct anyone.

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Do singers in a choir really use choir books?(Damn spellcheck wanted "choirboys." Ha!)

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Well, I've driven through H'burg and it would take a lot to get me to flock there.

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COVID doesn't just prefer Georgia to North Carolina like any other sensible tourist.Hey, now... don't be mean.

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History will show footage of how they were setting up morgue-trucks at hospitals and building temporary hospitals (like the one WA. State is returning because it is not needed). Same as the morgue-mobiles and ships. After the set-ups at hospitals with lines of people, the next day even the "epicenters" were ghost towns. History will ask why hospitals had record lay-offs during a pandemic while governors allowed citizens to break quarantine for "essential" Lotto tickets. History will show the fudged-number of CoV-Flu deaths not even close to the flu deaths of 2017-18. Hope history shows the idiot dancing nurses' tik-tok videos too.

If history is true, it'll tell how the FED purposely popped the biggest financial bubble in history (because it was going to happen anyway). The flu-virus hype was the FED/Banking Cabal's scapegoat. History should show and shame the beguiled sheep that fell for (yet another) CDC/WHO scam as they gave up their civil rights. These sheep deserve the deadly vaccines.This is a global wealth transfer and economic re-set toward a One World Govt. Wake Up!

We'll all have time to reflect during the Greatest Depression and hyperinflation to come.

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You are truly, madly, deeply stupid.

Take your ignorant, idiotic conspiracy bullshit back to the sewers where it belongs.

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You've been indoctrinated like a Pavlovian dog. lol. You've been conned, Trump is complicit in the psyop and you're doing exactly what the banking cabal desires. Remember, when you have your hand out but feel that boot on your neck; you yourself are to blame. You should be embarrassed. Change your handle, sheep.

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I think you summed it up quite well. Sadly, the morons will think that witty and will regurgitate it often.

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Finally there real cooties -- COVID 19

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