She is the myth. A prototype Stepford wife that was not smart enough to make the cut.

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You guys totally gotta try single-payer. I had arthroscopic knee surgery yesterday (true story - it was getting in the way of carrying car parts and playing paintball) and all it cost me was parking. I'll bet if you wrote your congresscritters a nice letter they'd put it in place right away!PS: Thanks Leslie Frost!

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That is worth 1000 bonus points and a free spin.

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If I were on FB, I'd add to those positive comments. Obamacare let me retire before Medicare, thus opening up my job for someone else. (Though, if I know my former employer, that "someone else" will be in India -- thanks job creator)

When I listen carefully to the Reptards who have a "replace", they notably exclude the individual mandate which is what makes the ACA "Affordable". New York tried this in 1993: no pre-existing condition exclusion, no rating by health status. As premiums inevitably rose, only the sickest and costliest people stayed it was unaffordable for, basically, everyone.


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Shameless bullshittery will continue until truthiness improves!!!

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Grasping at straws. (This is a caption contest, right?)

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She's the Stepford twat that's always behind Herr Boner in press conferences.

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Q: How do you know that a Republican is lying?

A: Their lips are moving.

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But this time, you get a shiny new card to carry around. Progress!

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sometimes in the rare event that people invite me places, I have to be occasionally reminded that other women don't share the same enthusiasm for flatulence humor (dunno why not)

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and get summoar side eye from Gwen Ifill? Awesomesauce!

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apparently not as well as Nancy Davis or she might have been First Lady (or head nurse...heehee, I crack myself up...)

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I heard some riches had to give up their car elevators and dancing horses.

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(Hey, I likz yer hat. Frog iz ready for April showerz, eh?)

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She is said to be the most powerful Republican woman in Congress. I suppose that's because she only toes the line and doesn't go beyond into looney land like Bachmann (long may she rave) or Blackburn.

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Thank you!! Sgt. Frog iz ready for anything!!

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