I have a hard time with the idea of the fetus as a minority. Does this mean that birth control is genocide?

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They love the unborn. It's for the <i>born</i> that they just can't muster an iota of compassion.

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If they're serious, the Repubicans will extend child tax credit and deduction to the moment of conception.

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"Sarah Jessica Parker!? Her face looks like a foot." -Peter Griffin

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i don't think fetuses are persecuted. some of them even get to live in jars.

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Yeah, well, Big Jar didn't need a bailout, like those crap car makers and banks!

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You can follicle some of the people all of the time, and follicle all the people some of the time. . . .

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Insert Dave Vitter Joke Here.

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no. no taxes.

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Actually, he's right. Did you know a bunch of congressmen voted to cut funding for prenatal care and nutrition programs for pregnant women? These guys obviously have it in for fetuses! I'm talking about guys like, uh, Rep. Chris Smith.

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This is the same fucknut who wanted to redfine rape so he could advance his cause against abortion. I again repeat myself to every fucktard legislator in Washington D.C. or Austin, Texas: keep your hands, morality and religious convictions away from my wife and daughter. Stick to the important issues like:

--Jobs --Getting us out of two wars --TSA and all its security theatre --Terrorism --Debt --Education of all of our youth

And since I'm telling you what I want, let's legalize some Mary Jane on 4-20 next year and see how that helps mellow out folks and solve the budget.

Go to work shit stain and give us a report in 90 days telling what you accomplished. Hint: not one fucking thing.

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<i>the most persecuted minority in the world: the child in the womb</i>

From the "just make shit up as you go along" school of thought.

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