If only an eagle had flown into the room and taken a crap on his shoulder, then eaten one of his ears or such.

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Hunter will go on trial September 10. After that, he can be prison pen pals with Gallagher. Oh, the stories they will tell.

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It's against the Geneva Conventions. That's why it's against policy. Pretty sure there's something in the UCMJ about respecting the rules of warfare.

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Anyone look up this yahoo's actual military record? I'm betting it was not all that.

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Good take.

Which one was I? Gun humping psychopath, or loser who couldn't hack it anywhere else?

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It is not the photographing of the dead bodies that is the shocking thing.Soldiers have done this since cameras were available.

"Better them and not me" is mostly the reason.

No, this Seal is on trial for much worse things, basically war crimes and murder.When your OWN guys turn you in, all lines have been crossed.

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Cadet Bone Spurs...what a tough guy.

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There are no atheists in foxholes. But there are plenty of war criminals, PTSD suicides, rats, squalor and debauchery.

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She has her own very distinct language. She speaks errrrrfff with lots of rolling r’s.

And she talks a lot.

It’s a real riot to listen to her chirp and errff.

She also randomly chases “hallucinations”.

Never a dull moment when Couch Panther iz awake and not couch panthering!


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Damn... I so wish I live a couple of blocks away again so I could have the honor of being represented by Duncan Hunter (R - War Criminal (Probably)). Now, I have to be represented by Ken Calvert (R - Enjoys Young Prostitutes - allegedly), who seems incredibly milquetoast compared to the rest of these guys. The late 1990's were a simpler time...

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Yeah! The Feds AND the Military are against Brave Heroes who Do Crime!

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...and have pet rabbits.

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I've made tougher guys out of plasticene.

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'I'm sorry. He was killed with an IED.''What kind?''Well, Pvt. Menendez got some grenades, Cpl. Thomason wrapped them in duct tape...'

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I believe they have, from time to time, and yes, that was exactly the reaction. They do NOT do irony.

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Would not be surprised to find that he has a bushel of fava beans and a barrel of Chianti in the cellar.

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