Yeah, I would rather have your system be the default with vote by mail and dropboxes. However, gotta also make sure there's no DeJoy types running the postal service.

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Ta, Dok. I approve this message.

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And they're naming all their schools after Joe Manchin.

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We have solar panels at schools in Arizona but I think they're giving the money saved to Doug Ducey ... or to pay for the Fraudit ... or to add another lane to I-10. No way would they give it to teachers. They might teach Mexican history.

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Thanks! I never hear anyone, even advocates, mention the 10 years. They should do that.Okay then, still -- this is 1/8 of the total, and just one of numerous things.

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It killed an absolutely trivial amount of people, a lot less than coal.

There are only three arguments against using nuclear power: - It is expensive. - It generates waste that is expensive to deal with. - It uses a lot of water for cooling, restricting possible locations and warming up the local waters.

The last one is the environmentally worst one, but it is still a hell of a lot better than fossil fuels.

I'd say in the short to medium term (think 25-100 years) nuclear can do a lot of good, but in the long run we have to get solar and wind to way over 100% of capacity (you need overcapacity for unusually cloudly windless days), and that requires better battery tech.

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Only if you promise to provide a spread sheet correlating the House and Senate Bill numbers with a summary of the bill.

No way I can keep track of that shit

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I like this guy. It's nice how some of these new reps have different types of work backgrounds. Like this school principal guy. The nurse -- Underwood? Things that could be relevant to being a rep....

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The New Deal was big, bold and it worked. FDR was loved for several generations by the people that lived through the great depression. I know it's not an actual bill as of now, but making the case for a big bold plan to re-align the economy in a way that is less suicidal makes sense to me.

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Make WV Centalia!

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I could not stop laughing. Hit my head on the desk laughing so hard.

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"Ralph spends too much time socializing and not enough on his work."-- my every report card from third to sixth grade.

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I know it's not an actual bill as of now

And that's all that matters. When these people come up with actual legislation then we can talk. The climate crisis is serious and it deserves a serious response.

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Student to staff ratios probably means hiring more paraeducators and implies that the ratio counts support staff like janitors and lunch folks (who should NOT have the added responsibility of supervising students on top of their work duties). Hiring more school staff is ALWAYS an excellent idea, but it isn't a substitute for hiring teachers as teachers are the ones held accountable for student outcomes.

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My mom and my sister both got that on their report cards all through elementary and middle school too. Mom always said, "I can't think where she gets it from."

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