I used to have the honor of being in Joe Neguse's district until redistricting happened and now I'm lumped in with the Ken Buck voters in West Kansas. Talk about a downgrade...
There’s just this real philosophical schism between the “we can fire up the rubes and get their money because Trump was cheated out the election” Republicans and the “we can fire up the rubes and get their money because Trump lost the election and there’s a socialist in the White House” Republicans.
Yes, it's true . . . if Boebert wants to remain in the House, she probably needs to move to Buck's district . . . why not? . . . she doesn't have 'Shooters' anymore 🙄 . . .
Yo Ken! I got a better idea! Why not just use another page from the GOP playbook? Instead of being a fucking QUITTER with NO FUCKING SPINE (an evergreen GOP baseline character defect) you could be a fucking godawful "TURNCOAT / TRAITOR / TREASONISTA" by quitting the GOP and joining the Democratic Party!
It's not like you would be breaking new ground here. Blue dog dems have been doing this all the time for many years.
S'matter Ken? is it too damn BRAVE for you to do? Would it require one damn bit of fucking INTEGRITY which you might not have? Don't worry! If you join the Dems you can still enjoy a favorite GOP hobby...REVENGE!
It continues to amaze me that all of these conservative Republicans can notice that a startling majority of their colleagues and constituents are supporting unethical behavior and just -- not connect any dots at all. No, surely except for *in this one way* (supporting and profiting off of lies that undermine democracy), these people have right and good ideas! About all the other stuff! No need to reexamine the character and principles of the conservative movement in general. Completely localized fluke, could happen to any political party (has only ever happened to one).
BING. And, OF COURSE no need at all to examine one's core integrity, centers of rational thought, or knowledge of the basis and evolution of democratic foundations, aims and representation. None.
So why did they rename Bruce Banner to David? Makes no sense.
IIRC, they at least gave a nod to his original name, as the character's full name was given as "David Bruce Banner". Otherwise, what Stephen said.
IIRC, the producer disliked alliterative names. There are also theories that “Bruce” read as “gay,” but it seems unfounded and we’d had Bruce Wayne
A producer who dislikes alliterative names should stay the hell away from comic books for their source material.
Maybe Ike McCorkle will only lose by 18 points this time around.
Yeah, probably not.
Don’t make Tim from My Favorite Martian angry. You wouldn’t like Tim when he’s angry
That's Mr Eddie's Father to you pal.
Ever since we got redistricted into 4th Congressional I've said, "Having Ken Buck as your Representative is like having no representation at all."
quitting on Andrea Mitchell's show like a RINO.
How are all the MAGAts in his district supposed to know he's not running?
He's been on MSNBC quite a few times in the last 3 weeks. Sounding non-insane, at least. But it's a law bar for a GQP member of the House.
he can't go on FOX or NEWSMAX starting to make sense for a hot second.
the symbolism of a freedom caucus member quitting on MSNBC has got to be sad times for a republican strategist.
If he had an iota of integrity he'd switch to the Democrats...
He'd never get reelected as a Dem in his district. Plus he doesn't believe in logic or sense or science. He's just not as insane as some other Rs.
I used to have the honor of being in Joe Neguse's district until redistricting happened and now I'm lumped in with the Ken Buck voters in West Kansas. Talk about a downgrade...
There’s just this real philosophical schism between the “we can fire up the rubes and get their money because Trump was cheated out the election” Republicans and the “we can fire up the rubes and get their money because Trump lost the election and there’s a socialist in the White House” Republicans.
It’s a conundrum, I tell you.
Yes, it's true . . . if Boebert wants to remain in the House, she probably needs to move to Buck's district . . . why not? . . . she doesn't have 'Shooters' anymore 🙄 . . .
Buck’s district is the most solidly R in Colorado so it wouldn’t be the dumbest thing she’s ever done
I'd rather they kept him in office, than Lauren--"Handsy McHandjob"--Bobo!
Apropos of nothing: this is the greatest Hulk-out in history.
Yo Ken! I got a better idea! Why not just use another page from the GOP playbook? Instead of being a fucking QUITTER with NO FUCKING SPINE (an evergreen GOP baseline character defect) you could be a fucking godawful "TURNCOAT / TRAITOR / TREASONISTA" by quitting the GOP and joining the Democratic Party!
It's not like you would be breaking new ground here. Blue dog dems have been doing this all the time for many years.
S'matter Ken? is it too damn BRAVE for you to do? Would it require one damn bit of fucking INTEGRITY which you might not have? Don't worry! If you join the Dems you can still enjoy a favorite GOP hobby...REVENGE!
He might be mildly concerned with what they’re doing but deep down, he’s still an unrepentant asshole
Ken, you can always switch teams!
There’s just no place in today’s gop for Buck’s kinder, gentler brand of rightwing extremism any more. So sad.
It continues to amaze me that all of these conservative Republicans can notice that a startling majority of their colleagues and constituents are supporting unethical behavior and just -- not connect any dots at all. No, surely except for *in this one way* (supporting and profiting off of lies that undermine democracy), these people have right and good ideas! About all the other stuff! No need to reexamine the character and principles of the conservative movement in general. Completely localized fluke, could happen to any political party (has only ever happened to one).
BING. And, OF COURSE no need at all to examine one's core integrity, centers of rational thought, or knowledge of the basis and evolution of democratic foundations, aims and representation. None.
It was a time of upheaval, when chaos ruled the House of Representatives. And Ken Buck declared " Fuck it, I'm out, the Buck stops here!"
is this Passing the Buck?
Here's hoping it's far more uncomfortable than passing a stone.
You must be referring to Roger.