Speaking in front of a wall of glassy-eyed dead deer to an audience of glassy-eyed Christians at last month's 2012 Sportsman's Banquet at Hartwell, GA's Liberty Baptist Church, serial Obama-speech-boycotter Rep.
What I notice is how slowly the detailed descriptions scroll moves down- which just proves that if you have to move your lips when you read, you read very very slowly.
Heh. &quot;Christmas and Easter <b>supposedly</b> had roots in Paganism.&quot; News flash, buddy: they did.
ha ha ha
&quot;All those in favor, raise an antler. Motion passed.&quot;
No. It&#039;s a class we called &quot;orgo&quot; (organic chem)
me, i&#039;m thinking ministry of magic
Wait. Is that next to the Dharma Initiative trademark?
Perhaps we should start grading Friday posts in laynes. I&#039;d give this one about 400 millilaynes.
Sorry, the notion that Ronald Reagan had a plan fails the simplest sanity check.
At least the sideboob would be better.
I think it&#039;s Revelation, with the beast with seven heads and seven horns.
What I notice is how slowly the detailed descriptions scroll moves down- which just proves that if you have to move your lips when you read, you read very very slowly.
Heh. &quot;Christmas and Easter <b>supposedly</b> had roots in Paganism.&quot; News flash, buddy: they did.
Oh you Catholics!
I would like to renounce my atheism with that comment. All praise Chicken!
He was out of his element.
Pictures please.
But made in China.