Steve King: Go back to Uranus!

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Immigration is good! Without it, you get too much inbreeding. Exhibit A: Steve King.

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A planet of republicans! Can we build the death star now?

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Space aliens have declared Earth a "no-go" zone. They're afraid we'll try to emigrate, bring down their property values and steal their jobs.

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Yeah - the people here had to actually wear clothes rather than just rolling up in a tank top and boxers.

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Hey you! Get offa my planet!

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I made it to the end!

Not the video, but the botttle of Drano!

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Ya know, despite RWNJ fantasies, illegal/undocumented immigrants do not actually vote. Where the Reptards get in trouble is the contempt they spew when they talk about Latinos. Hispanic-American voters don't like that.

Also, most Latinos are descended from families have lived in North America for a thousand generations. By that standard, whites like Steve King are barely American.

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This is probably how Sen. McCarthy got started.

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Aww, give 'em a break. After all, it's not easy being green.

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