Good times!

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Aside from this celebrity doofus, who are the candidates on the Republican side?

Because I am sure they are all nutty but there must be a less-nutty one.

Jenner will suck all the air out of the room and then Trump will find a non-trans candidate he prefers (assuming he isn't in the middle of the Trump Organization Death Spiral.)

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Fixing Honda Civics would be a more useful skill than whatever this ego trip she is on now would be.

To be fair, she is more into auto crashes than auto repair.

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I am not been condescending, I am been patronizing. There is a diference!

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Yes, she is.

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Yes, I remember that some were based on US episodes.

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"like the entitled rich idiot who just joined a nonprofit board" - bylaws?!?? we don't need no stinking bylaws!

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I swear, that woman must have a secret office with a white board listing their five-year business plan, with 6 month intervals between scandal grifts. Who's up next for the Enquirer rotation?

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I can't bear to think of this state in the fire season with Caitlin Jenner in charge. I CAN'T BEAR IT. It is trying and complex beyond belief and where I live it's not even an issue for us. But Newsom has priorities so that huge numbers of firefighters can come in from out of state and be accomodated in every way near the fires which are always moving, and fire fighters can't work beyond a max. number of hours and pilots also can't, and there are always new fires, and new bodies of water have to be found for the planes to get their water from, etc. Some fires may be way in the south, some way in the north. How can we recall him, when we expect him to do all this because-- people are actually getting killed?

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My Collocations Has "clueless" referenced to "Republican".

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I have some young neighbors from INdia who call me auntie but I have an idea it means 'meddlesome old woman.' in that country. Ah well

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No, Tony, don't leave. Guy, Tony is very much a part of this.

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But here in the US, they always used to say the stories were "ripped from the headlines". You didn't want to see stories ripped from the The Sun or The Daily Mail? /s

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He's got masses of experience-- MASSES-- with the fires-- and they are coming. They must not remove him. It is so complex and the fires are so horrible. Also, he shut down SF, Oakland, and Berkeley and all this region right at the beginning of the virus, so I still don't know anyone from here who got sick with it.

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Really just displays of ignorance of how things work. They've gotten so advanced in their hatred of Democrats but so ignorant of government-- It was awful.

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