I always forget that Doc Brown stopped a nuclear terrorist attack by straight up stealing their plutonium.

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But only at Rays games.

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Wildly popular with whom?

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She got stifled.

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Don't forget opponent research. GQP always have bones in the closet.

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May your words come true, Ramen!

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As a resident of said place, I would love to hear of one.

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I thought the same thing. I follow politics like some people follow sports, and I had never heard of Mr. Gillum. He did a remarkable job considering, and it was close enough for a recount.That said, everyone knew Bob Graham, from his time as Gov and most liked him. So the daughter had the "name" and I thought she was the best bet. I liked others policies better, but thought she would get the nod.

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Florida man has started voting because of the Orange idol.

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They are pushing that narrative to make him "happen". If the rubes hear it enough, they believe it. He has no personality, charisma, or knowledge of how to govern, but he sure knows how to hide his criminality. I don't get the propaganda.

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Only in certain Red as a baboon's posterior, areas.

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I hear you.

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Well, he was grooming Josh Duggar to be his political, and spiritual heir.

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People must have been feeding it, which is a federal offense for just this reason.Normally they will go out of their way to avoid people.

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I live here, and one of my closest friends is a Cuban man, and I can confirm your statement as fact. There are many more South and Central Americans than there used to be, but many do not vote, for one reason or another.

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