Wonket BFF Bradleeeeeeee Dean, best known in this here corner of the Interwebs for a laughably dumb threat to sue us back in The Day, is reportedly without his cult of unpaid Hare Krishnas begging outside gas stations (and getting thrown out of the van when they didn't pony up for gas themselves), as they seem to have all up and quit, oh no!
Really? I'd think High School girls more apt to make THEM cry. The CIA only wishes it had such masters of brutal psychological warfare as the girls I went to high school with.
Excuse me, I have to go pray.
How Christian of you BLD
I went through High School, does that count?
Really? I'd think High School girls more apt to make THEM cry. The CIA only wishes it had such masters of brutal psychological warfare as the girls I went to high school with.
Saddam Hussein?
I will miss that nice Minnesota law firm, though. Very friendly people.
3. Apply for tax-free status and if your application is denied, accuse the IRS of targeting groups based on their beliefs.
Don't worry Dok & Snipy, making High School girls cry is easy.
I guess they tired of having the anti gay agenda being crammed down their throats.
Hooray! God has stopped punishing America for gheyness and whatnot. Now is rewarding us with less Bradlee Dean.
Tragic news. Now who will warn us of the dangers the gays represent? <a href="http://www.rightwingwatch.o..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/bradlee-dea...">http://www.rightwingwatch.o...
You think we&#039;ll be able to pull Cruz away from his mirror for long enough?
Our Wonket could have many employees too, if it didn&#039;t care about being able to pay them.
Oh please tell me he&#039;s not rehearsing his next fauxlibuster.