Someone's gotta do it and it has to happen someplace.

So why not?


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Planned Parenthood has a better way of achieving that.

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Best part is the phrase "... should you prefer not to kill and skin yourself."You're welcome.

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Far be it from me to argue with that logic!

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As I recall (who know from where), a statement along the lines of "do not contact me again" starts the clock ticking on potential harassment. Once you've put that in writing to someone, it's sort of the first of three strikes, and on the third strike, they're open to being charged with harassment. My guess is his attorney told him to do it to keep his options open (and to keep the press away).

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Except that that motherfucker is their dad. That'd be a bitch to live down.

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even in numbered Swiss bank accounts and in Russian banks under a different name?

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my upper half

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No moleskines, as he would have to buy them himself.

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Umm, didn't Foxconn run the same grift in Brazil? Where it stagnated? Gotta find the link.

Edit: Found it in the most obvious place.https://www.nytimes.com/201...

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Observant Catholic. They're stuck on that one.

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Fuckin' totally moleskines. What else do pretentious fucks use to document their pretentious fuckery?

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Hopefully not. Although it'd be an interesting equal protection suit.

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That's what they're hoping for, anyway

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Uh, lower human fertility rates are a GOOD thing.

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