Well if you want to arrest anyone who has had an abortion....

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Yes! I just got back from early voting, 30 minute wait, but outside I talked about issues with a local candidate for school board that had sent a ‘vote me’ mailer to us...............and was standing with a gal with a sign and I had two questions based on his stances on, “no vaccines for healthy people”——he believes MNRA Covid vaccines are evil and different from uh, other vaccines like Polio, DPT, small pox, etc. This guy is a board certified successful anesthetist. I said what about Covid asymptomatic transmission? He answered with a herd immunity solution would have worked. I asked him if he was a vegetarian, and he said no, why?, I replied that the workers on the lines in the meat plants found out about asymptomatic transmission the hard way, after Trump said it would over by April. He brushed that off as the potus got bad advice. I asked him about one his lengthy concern stated about CRT in our schools. (He is running for school board). I asked for an example in the curriculum or material. His said it was ‘hidden’ in the text examples. He claimed in jr high the history books described Christopher Columbus as evil. My bullshit meter was tilting as I was talking to this guy, who looks like traitor general Mike Flynn. We talked more than a few minutes, (50 feet outside polling entrance). And then I voted. Warm November Sunshine and breeze today.........Zinfandel in the glass.

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Or a miscarriage.

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Idiots. No one wants an abortion per se, any more than they want a tooth pulled. At BEST, it's an uncomfortable medical procedure. They do it because it's the best solution to an intolerable problem, but that doesn't mean they don't wish it hadn't been necessary.

No capacity for pregnancy, no opinion, no business opining on others' opinion.

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As America’s Best Christian said:

“Women who have abortions should be sent to prison. Men who pay for abortions should be sent to the Senate.”

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The real fun begins once we find out how many republicans paid for abortions after they voted for a draconian ban in their state. And how many drove their girlfriends/daughters to another state to get one.

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No no no! According to the anti- choice bill boards everywhere, a 13 week fetus is a smiling, open eyed fully developed (usually white) baby. Oddly enough already wearing a diaper. My Anatomy textbooks all got it wrong I guess.

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Or vote if you are a man who just cares about the rights of the women in your life

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Every registered Democrat or independent who likes democracy has to vote a straight Democratic ticket or we're all FUBAR. Vote!!

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If they start to get het up just say the five magic words GUARANTEED to calm the troubled waters: "Hey! Calm The Fuck Down!"

You will then see some very entertaining head 'sploding.

If you are one for also using your hands to 'splain things these five magic words combined with a stiff finger jab into their shoulder will necessitate having the local po-po show up in their riot gear to calm things down.

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What gets overlooked in the debate over reproductive rights is the contingent of rational entities just wanting to be able to exploit a larger pool of economically desperate 19 year-old single women with a couple of kids.

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I'd hope this really good ad had run in some swing states, and not just Eric Swallwell's Northern California Bay Area district. Often, we Dems put too much of our efforts into preaching to the choir.

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Maybe they are more passionate than you think, but aren't sharing that passion with you...

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Thanks. Alas I got hit with a particularly nasty bout of food poisoning over the weekend, so tomorrow it is.

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Allowing the news to become a for-profit endeavor has caused so many problems, and I'd love to see all news go back to being non-profit. The BBC isn't perfect, but they're better than most, if not all, US news sources because they're publicly funded (but not government run, which is important). You even get better, more impartial news about the US from them. I don't know how we get there, but it would help A LOT.

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bummer, but hope all went well for you yesterday.

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