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Keeping a legal underclass negates the Civil Rights Act and Brown. We're headed back to Plessy.

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So you are opposed to the states that affirmed abortion rights? That ended slavery after all this years?

Of course bad things can happen, but so can good things. Go forward in possibility, not restriction.

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"Especially in this country."Those are four highly significant words. You'd think that anybody who actually wanted to see fewer abortions performed and more kids born would be working hard to improve the medical system, increase child support, and make obstetric and paediatric care more affordable, not to mention education.But then, not mentioning education, except to condemn it, is one of the things right wingers do most enthusiastically.

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"A neighbor lady asked how many kids I had. Three. She said that's why you're broke."

There will never be a better set-up for this:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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I prefer disposable income to disposable diapers.

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"not the tyrannical state"

Pro-choice is *already* the compromise position.The same people who bitch and moan about "government tyranny" when they're expected to wear a mask don't see that a government that tells you when you CAN'T have an abortion is no different from a government that tells you when you MUST have an abortion.

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Fuck you, Aunt Lydia.

Also, how did this traitor bitch get through law school if that's how bad she is at coming up with a coherent sentence?

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Of course Hayley McMahon's account was locked - Leon thinks the world needs more babbies, especially his.

Seems rather Jeffrey Epsteinish to me though.

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I do hope that you mean Ukrainian army, if the army of the United Kingdom is operating openly there it's a tremendous escalation that risks nuclear war even more than we already are.

UK = EnglandUKR = Ukraine

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Autopilot is actually the best out there, after Waymo (Google) and possibly Baidu. Tesla drivers add another 20 million miles to the training database every week.

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You're the absolute greatest possum ever.

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Oh, I’ve “ordered” at least 5 IPhones in the past couple months. So when presented the opportunity to speak to an “Amazon” rep, it’s too good to turn down.My late wife frowned on me going batshit on these pricks, but it’s a needed outlet now. I do feel better after plenty of fuck yous, eat shit, blow me, et. Al. Even better when the rep tries to reciprocate.What I need to do is go village idiot on the rep and keep him on the line as long as possible. But, age has made that more difficult.Until I can get a better grip, “Fuck you, asshole” will suffice.

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Gov. Gavin Newsom re-elected and currently at 58% of the vote. Interestingly, Prop, 1 (guarantees abortion, contraception protections) is getting 65%. To the interested observer, that would suggest more than a few non-Democrats were in support.

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My 19 year old granddaughter and her boyfriend both voted for the first time this year.

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I regret his mother's non-abortion.

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