I was raised in Ohio and then moved to famously assholish Boston and then NYC.

Sure, people don't say hi to strangers here, but I'd take that any day after the absolute terrorizing I received from adults and children alike during my time in Ohio. I have never feared for my safety during my tenure as a Yankee. And I've always held that while Yankees aren't "nice" they are kind. I've had my share of strangers here help me when I needed it.

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It's probably already been said, but....

"Nebraska nice"?

Minnesota libelz!

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Ta, MM. As I've said before, I'm glad it's your job; not mine.

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Nebraska Nice.

So, you would open your arms to any transgender who stepped foot in the state?

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''...after Trump posted a video of a pickup truck depicting President Biden bound and gagged.''

NBC STILL has a quote up that says that the picture is of Biden IN a pickup truck, which is NOT TRUE.

It is a picture ON the TAILGATE, which is a very different thing. They need to ask Rachel - I'm sure she knows the difference.

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It's on the tailgate, but it's a trompe l'oeil image of Biden bound and gagged IN the truck bed. From what I could tell.

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And, it's under 50 bucks!

And me without a pickup.

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No Nutz for you!

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Just a reminder, when they say both sides needs to "tone it down" there is only one side that's toning it up!

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One one side we have hate speech, which they claim is protected speech under the 1st amendment no matter how inflammatory. And then there is calling the hate mongers out for their inflammatory speech which they whine about as being unfairly targeting the hate mongerers for their hate mongering. Being call out for your BS is not hate speech unless your own feelings are hurt for being hurtful.

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I’ve been trying to make “KNebraska Kind” catch on because that should be the goal … “Nebraska Nice” wasn’t initially seen as a positive way to describe our *way*

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Here in the PNW it's "the Oregon kine." Nuff said, fahr it UP.

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These Republicans give weasels and skunks a bad name.

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Weasels and skunks are perfectly nice animals, they just happen to have effective offences and defences against humans. "STEAL MY FOOD WILL YOU..." "MAKE ME SMELL LIKE HELL WILL YOU..." None of this life-ruining stuff Republicans (and some independents and "Democrats") engage in.

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jebus h pete these assclowns

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Too bad the MSM is run by sociopathic billionaires. If the editors were calling the shots, they'd know that the right needs access more than the MSM does. Ask the tough questions, and tough followups, and they can take their ball and go home.

There's lots of Dems who'd be more than happy to fill those slots and answer those selfsame tough questions without flinching. The R's need to get out beyond the Fox/Newsmax bubble if they want to succeed.

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I was born and raised in Nebraska, and no longer live there. Because "Nebraska Nice" is just a weird code for passive/aggressive. And Don Bacon is a huge embarrassment and he besmirches the word Bacon.

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Republicans are chicken shit scared of Trump.

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Oh, go focus yourself, Mike Lawler, ya prevaricating creep, you mumping great villain

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The University of Colorado had a quarterback, Sal Aunese, who died of cancer in 1989. It was a very heartbreaking story, except for Nebraskans, who later that year chanted "Where's Sal?" when the two teams played later that year. Nebraska nice?

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Speaking of dipshit incel assholes, I just saw a “traveler” driving a huge truck that he had painted his own self in camouflage. Even the tires and windows. The topper was the “come and take it” sticker!

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The "come and take it" stickers are a nice notice to thieves which cars have guns in them. Easy money.

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Take it? I don't even want to see it.

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YeeHaw! Hush money prosecutor has landed noted pants-presser Hope Hicks via subpoena 🥳

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Keep Hope alive!

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