It's probably a back-up if their current plan of putting MAGA morons in positions to count votes and certify elections in swing states doesn't pan out. Easier to just hand-wave about voter fraud and say the Republican actually won because reasons.

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As a Coloradan, it behooves me to keep my opinion to myself about this flaming fucking douchecanoe.

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I will make a U-turn in the middle of traffic to go the long way and avoid waiting for a left-turn arrow.

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“Now that I’m governor I’ll be requiring voters* to crawl over broken glass while being attacked by flamethrowers and mechanical yetis just to hand in their ballots, just so they can send a message to future generations that doing their civic duty is like making suicide attractive.”

*only for those crazy enough to register as democrats

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“Oh whoops your signature doesn't precisely match the one on file from thirty years ago! Rejected!”

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The cow and sheep havers!

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Ta, Dok. They don't like being in the minority? Let's hear some good ideas from them. I'll wait.

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Please don't hold your breath. We need you.

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We already have too mich minority rule. As the example normally trotted out goes, California has 2 Senators - the two Dakotas have 4.

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You’re a busy man aren’t you Mr. Robert Jones? Says here you are registered to vote in every redneck state! You best leave now before I gots to call the deputies!

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Time to reduce the number of counties!

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it's so glaringly unconstitutional that it wouldn't stand a chance in court.I'm afraid I don't share that certainty. Haven't they already ruled that it's all up to the state legislatures, and only the legislatures, how they run their elections? It must be weird to be a lawyer these days with the courts constantly shifting the ground under your feet with nonsensical rulings.

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To make a point which is of course glaringly obvious to the Wonketariat, but maybe Lopez or his lackies might be lurking in the non-comments and can learn something…

Say you have three people:

- A rich person who owns their own business;

- A middle class person with a 9-5 job but with benefits such as earned vacation time or the availability of comp time; and

- A poor person, who works 60 hours a week at minimum wage, in shifts which change regularly so they don’t know from week to week when they’ll be working. Oh and by the way, they also don’t have a car so rely on public transportation to get to work or anywhere else.

On a scale of 1 - 10, how likely is it that each one of these people will be able to take a couple hours out of their day to stand in line to vote? Do you see that maybe by making it harder to vote you are disadvantaging people based on their economic status? Without even getting into the racial disparities among those three statuses?


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No! It behooves you even more than the rest of us to shout your opinions to the heavens! Or at least clearly and dispassionately explain them to your friends and neighbors.

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My thought was that, if Lopez is only voting every two years he's missing out on a number of elections and that means his vote shouldn't count.

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Sounds like Lopez uses that 'New Math', which I don't understand because it doesn't make sense.

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