Third Prize is two vacations and no rohypnol

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Even better, there's nothing in Leviticus against eating babies. Suck on it, heathen scum!

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My, but you are generous.

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A thousand virtual upvotes for you,my friend!

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Denim chicken. :)

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And a thousand virtual upvotes for you, also, too!

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I didn't get the email.

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hell they'll eat it with a spoon and ask for more!

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If we save all the babbies for jebus then they will fight as soldiers in the the jebus army, even if they are really hungry and homeless. Starving babbies are really tough, you know.

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What an interesting choice being presented – either we fund Planned Parenthood or we feed the hungry. I'd personally think that we could include in there, say, we can either keep meddling in other countries and killing brown people, or we can feed the hungry and still fund Planned Parenthood.

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I am at least appreciative of the fact that I now know what these buffoons mean when they say "abortion survivor." I thought it would be some deformed person who clung a little hard to the uterine wall.

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Double trick question. (F) ALL of the above.

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And the truth died in obscurity and poverty in a nursing home in Tulsa.

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Being Christian for real?

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Where were you sitting?

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I assume they only get together for photo ops. Separate rooms and separate lives.

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