No, you're good as long as you don't say "fuck you to death...."

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Geez are these guys stupid. Does he have any clue what "cancer insurance" would cost?

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There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding of how this "insurance" thing works. Is it so new-fangled they cannot conceive of it?

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But no Repub would ever have to pay for ins. for brain cancer. They are further removed from brains than from reproduction, sad to say.

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Same here.

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Looks like Shimkus has forgotten whence he came. Or maybe a bunch of guys got together over beer one night and decided to manufacture A Shimkus, and behold! A Congresscritter made from not-woman!

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True story. This asshole Shimkus's mother used to be one of our lunch room monitors at my high school. She was kind of mean. All us outcasts and weirdos and homosexxicans sat at the Outcast, Weirdo, and Homo(that is what it/we were called)table for lunch. You put those 3 superpowers together, and you can make some smart, clever fun. We made that woman's particular lunch period.....very interesting.

P.S. He looks like his mother.

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Former Southren Baptist here....they think the same damn thing. Babbies are born sinful little creatures. I could never figure out what I did wrong. Did I kick my mom in the ribs too much? Made her go pee too much? I was never baptised, but I did go to Baptist kindergarten, where I was very sinful, I was told.

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I'll help. Can't do much door knocking, but I can stuff envelopes!

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So you were totally a taker, eh?

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That happened in Carnosaur, except that the little babbies were actually carnosaurs.

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I'd say his Y chromosome was working overtime.

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Some of them are...some of them look like Winston Churchill.

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OT Is anyone here not into Picasso, like me?

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But see, when a guy Does It with a lady, it's for God and 'Murica. The lady is the hoor, so she should pay the hoor tax by buying 'bortion pills or an IUD or whatever. I'm sure that's in the Bible somewhere.

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