so what we're saying is the burden of comedy for campaign 2012 is going to fall squarely on joe biden?

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I wonder why they don't want him to pick Condoleeeeeza Rice. She's smart, attractive, "speaks well," and wouldn't come across as a political calculation at all.

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All of 'em, Katie. After all, it is the home of the <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/454954\/cops-now-hunting-escaped-zoo-monsters" target="_blank">completely unregulated private zoos which occasionally let some or all of their animals escape</a>.

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"a dollop of youth"

That phrase produced a dollop of vomit in my mouth

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<i>"many Republicans are urging the campaign to choose someone who will, above all, “do no harm.” “It’s a no-brainer,” said Terry Holt"</i>

Well there's your problem right there, Terry: Looking for a no-brainer in the GOP doesn't narrow down the choices much.

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Yeah, I'm sure when Romney aides are already admitting that their economic agenda is the Bush economic agenda, that picking the guy who wrote Bush's budgets as running mate will "do no harm" because the economy was so fucking wonderful under Bush, amiright?

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<blockquote>Maybe the folks at WSJ should concentrate more on finding the Ideal Candidate who's shown "disciplined gov't experience"</blockquote>

Unpossible, since for the WSJ, "ideal" == "Republican", and that excludes everyone (at least everyone <em>living</em>) who's ever shown "disciplined gov't experience".

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<blockquote> they were peaking under Thatcherism. Don't know why. </blockquote>

Maybe something on <a href="http:\/\/neilharding.blogspot.com\/2005\/10\/20-reasons-why-i-hate-thatcher.html" target="_blank">this list</a>?

In fairness to John Major, though, if he hadn't failed so massively to keep the Pound in the ERM, the British economy might be suffering even worse butthurt now than it already is. And we thought America was the land of opportunity - pretty sure no US Secretary of the Treasury ever quit school after flunking 10th grade math!

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She's so <a href="http:\/\/www.imdb.com\/title\/tt0110413\/" target="_blank">Professional</a>.

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Yeah, I actually was going to put a warning about the colour-scheme but forgot. Sorry about that.

Fortunately for me, my parents were wise enough to live abroad for most of the Thatcher years. I had no idea who Keith Joseph was. I did know enough to hate the then-living shit out of Enoch Powell, I hope he's now perpetually drowning in rivers of blood.

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Hi Josh! Welcome back. So, will we see <i>Cartoon Violence</i>?

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There is nothing like the Repubican Vice-Presidential nomination to catapult someone from obscurity to being our next Spiro Agnew or Dan Quayle or Sarah Palin. Sure, occasionally a Dick Cheney gets the nod and smears torture all over America's reputation. But the odds are we'll get someone who provides hours of outrageous snark.

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"May 26, 2006 … On June 19, 2007" He was at OMB half as long as Palin was governor.

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