There isn’t much you couldn’t say about Matt Gaetz, other than positive things.

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I'm not certain we can say there aren't any. there certainly aren't any that we know of.

but I agree on the latter.

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The castaway may have grown a few more inches, but he'll never grow another foot!

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Or how about one of those islands in the pacific they used to do atomic testing on?

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I'm thinking Alcatraz.

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"...Greg Abbott from Texas and Ron DeSantis from Florida showed coastal elite millionaires..."

Well, I'm pretty sure that Assbott, whose state borders the Gulf Cost, and DeathSantis, whose state borders TWO coasts - the Gulf and Atlantic - are proabably millionaires by now, even if not elite.They are more like coastal illicit millionaires

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Not always.

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Turnabout being fair play, yr Wonkette proposes dropping DeSantis and Abbott on an island somewhere.

I nominate Ilha da Queimada Grande, off the coast of Brazil. It's crawling with golden lancehead pit vipers, by some estimates there's one for every square meter of ground.

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Paradoxically, none of them are good people.

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I hear the Aleut Islands are really scenic, and known for their weather.

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The 50 asylum-seekers were flown to Martha's Vineyard because the press wasn't covering the 13,000 that Texas and Arizona have already sent to NYC.They have quite literally created a humanitarian crisis.https://www.theguardian.com...

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true. Elba may be a little small, and it's way too nice to dump all that trash there. it's also not anywhere near remote enough.

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Their success rate isn't really good with that, either. Between Elias and the ACLU, a large portion of those have been shot down in court.

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Into the sun, after glancing off Elon's space Tesla.

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OK, wingers, let's tax the hell out of you to pay for an army of new Border Patrol and Customs officers to barricade the southern border.

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That's the infuriating thing about National Petroleum Radio, they let so many fashy assholes have the last word with zero pushback.

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