Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead!

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He who controls Obamacare, controls the universe! THE OBAMACARE MUST FLOW!

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Springsteen is total rough trade.

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Has it electrocuted any soldiers yet?

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And that's just warming up.

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I would not want to fly in a plane from a scrapyard.

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The workers were named Rene Cantu and Xavier Graza. Was this thing an INS drone?

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Plus, occasional legislators actually going crazy, for the extra entertainment value.

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It's not a good movie/book. You're not missing anything.

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The Republicans have a point: there is nothing more socialist than having people use a competitive marketplace to buy a product for their own personal use from private companies.

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It's still stunning to me - these courageous, well-meaning patriots never met a form of subterfuge that was too scummy to use.

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Will those rats undergo forced abortions?

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As always, big gubbmint interferin' with shit is perfectly OK with the teabaggers, whenever they want to interfere with shit. Which is getting to be <i>all the fucking time.</i>

My one great hope is that the voters sit up and notice, in time for the next election cycle.

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Makes me appreciate Texas' legislature. They only meet every other year.

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