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To be fair, it's not always easy to decide just how much asshattery your gang should engage in. The Corleone family had simiilar disagreements, and I look forward to a similar resolution of differences within the GOP.

*Orders pallet of popcorn from Costco*

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She carries nothing under that poofy hair. And I do mean nothing.

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note: just smartassing right back at you.

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Everyone is looking at our political system wrong. Everyone looks at our two party system and assume that Republicans and Democrats are on opposite ends of the political spectrum. That the choice of Liberal or Conservative is all there is to consider. In reality, Dems and Reps are very similar.

If you consider the entire political spectrum, it spans from Anarchy (no laws) to Totalitarian (complete law). Both Dems and Reps operate close to each other and way down near the Totalitarian side. Both want to implement laws to force their ideas and agendas on others.

The constitution was written much closer to the other end of the spectrum. Limit government and empower the states and individuals. In the race to push their morals and pander to the special interests, both sides have perverted what this country was founded on and in the process they have Americans divided in every way imaginable. Conservative vs. Liberal. Wealthy vs. Poor. Black vs. White.

While we argue with each other and fight about secondary issues, The federal government gets bigger and takes more of our liberties. If the gun guys could accept the granola guys and the pro-choice guys could accept the religious guys, we could come together and take this country back. Not as Republicans or as Democrats, but as Americans. As long as we are fighting for crumbs and minor changes in policy, the ruling elite continue to control all of us.

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Reading this, it just hit me... the whole strategy is to build up the military to the point where the US can just walk in and take over whole countries with GOOD infrastructure and schools and health care, and move everybody there. Brilliant!

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Except of course they'd never use the word 'Socialists.' Other than that, though...

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Before, also, too.

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60th, I think, but who's counting?

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THAT's why the handwriting on those bills is so hard to read...

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Consider this: when was the last time the Republicans did anything for the actual republic?

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By electing another blah Democratic president to blame it on, of course.

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Now I wanna test them all to see where they fall on the Autism Spectrum Disorder scale...

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Why do you hate America?

[Aside] We've been using hate as a societal driver for a long time now, and y'know, it doesn't work worth a damn. Might as well try love. We no longer have anything left to lose...

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The war goes back a long ways before LBJ. There's probably some cave painting somewhere that tells how Uggh got thrown out of the cave because the megabear took off his arm and he couldn't hunt any more...

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