Nah he’s a flaming racist. He says I can’t live where he does because I “wouldn’t fit in.” And points out it is 99,6% white.

And of course, concealed weapons make everything safer! Except of course, States with loose gun control laws still have many gun murders.

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My partners father killed himself. Leaving a 5 year old child fatherless. We will never know if this was a good thing or a tragedy.

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he had a machine gun now? when did that happen.

I never brought up conceal carry. This happened in an open carry state - one where the right to openly brandish a rifle in public is protected by law.

Even if the city of Las Vegas wanted to pass stricter laws they couldn't. State law expressly prohibits this.

In other words, this is a place where his behavior was sanctioned by the stamp of law right up until the point when the murders began. The implied code of conduct is if you see a dude carrying a gun case around, or twenty, you mind your own damn business. Nothing to see here, just another law-abiding gun owner, and we don't want to wind up on the wrong end of a lawsuit.

So yeah, I think if maybe that *weren't* the case... if there were the slightest semblance of sensible gun control laws in place - this might just possibly could have been prevented.

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You mean like calling people weak when they aren’t afraid of life without guns? Or saying that most liberals don’t understand the importance of fathers because the men are all castrated by liberalism? You may be on to something. You should try employing your ideas before pushing them on others.

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I vote for number 3.

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I learned to stop making mom jokes because somehow everyone I joked with had lost their mother. I know to do this because you never know. Pretty sure I know better than to make comments about fatherless kids being murderers when a guy in the room lost his dad and uncle to gun violence and it was taught in history class.

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“in Edmonton while on a moose hunt”

You’re nullifying your anecdote with the details of your anecdote. My cousin open carried a fully automatic assault rifle while serving in the reserves in Illinois. That’s because that’s where you do such things. Of course Canadians were not alarmed that you were carrying a rifle on a moose hunt. Try carrying it in Toronto.

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In a hotel anywhere in Canada, staff would not think twice about calling authorities when a guy is stockpiling guns in a hotel. In America, people would line up to represent him in court to sue the hotel for infringement of his second amendment rights. Granted, if they just said oh well, and called the police, a lot less people would have been shot.

The irrational defense of gun ownership which continues to prove that not everyone should have them has made making common sense decisions a non starter. It’s more cultural than it is a legal or constitutional issue. If one thing is said about gun laws, the government is coming for our guns. If someone is carrying a rifle around with poor trigger discipline, there is plenty reason to be afraid, and yet police are supposed to accept registration as good enough because they don’t want the NRA in their town talking about police states. There’s not much reason to expect people to be able to make sound decisions when anything that doesn’t glorify guns is represented as anti-American. The solution to criminals having guns has become more guns, but all it really solves is the shortage of money in the gun comanies’ coffers. The opposite solution has become to take them away, but the constitution makes that undoable.

Canadians don’t have that problem. That’s why the Vegas Shooter would have never gotten that far in Canada. How people respond in America versus Canada is not a good comparison in any situation.

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You nailed it, Lady.

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I said they wouldn’t think twice about about calling authorities. That means they would do it. So no.

Wouldn’t think twice means they would go with their first thought, which is calling the police. It’s a common saying in America.

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Mmmmmmm! Bacon on a roll!

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There’s a very different problem in America where people are afraid to get involved for fear of lawsuits or looking judgemental. I say if someone looks like they are going to go murder-crazy in a few hours, it would be best to risk alienating the person that needs an arsenal in a Vegas hotel room. Obviously Vegas hotel owners hold money higher than safety. Personally, I don’t care if the NRA sets up a podium in my front yard and talks about how I hate America as long as I don’t have to live with the fact that hundreds were shot because I said nothing. Obviously they can’t sue me, I don’t have anything to take.

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IF Liberals actually *confiscated* guns.


Survey SAYS:


#Republican lies..

However, confiscating guns, *actually works.* IF WE actually DID IT.


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Security doesn't always catch everything, sir. Never have, never will.So let's regulate guns. Anyone who hoards guns, and is paranoid, should not HAVE guns....it's a sign of mental illness.

People who want a handgun for protection, or a rifle for hunting or sport should have them, and like an automobile, they should have licenses, registration, and insurance. And training. That's pretty reasonable to ask....and responsible gun owners know that.

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No gun suicides or accidental deaths?Those people are just as dead and families just as devastated.

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Are you correcting for income and education in your magic statistics.

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