Republican NC Gov Wannabe Mark Robinson Tells Women To Keep Their Skirts Down
Real piece of work, this one.
Hoo boy, the hits just keep on coming from GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson, the foulest thing in North Carolina since a possum crawled up and died on Papaw’s engine block.
A new ad from Dem opponent Josh Stein highlights even more hair-raising misogyny from the charmer who called Michelle Obama “a man,” with a clip from 2019:
“For me, there is no compromise on abortion,” Robinson says in the clip. “It makes no difference why or how a child ended up in that womb. […] Abortion in this country is not about protecting the lives of mothers. It is about killing the child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down. [...] It’s not your body anymore!”
Don’t let his terrible shaving job distract you from his terrible message:
Robinson also spent last Friday speaking to a group called PreBorn that wants to ban birth control and calls it “evil.”
Bold strategy in a purple state where a majority of voters support abortion being legal in “all or most cases,” women somehow still have the right to vote, and that already last year cut the allowable window for abortions from 20 weeks to 12.
Robinson, by the way, admitted to paying for an abortion himself in 1989, though now he says he’s real sorry about it.
Hypocrisy and the GOP go together like vinegar and BBQ, but Robinson is one step beyond, a Black Mountain poet of hypocrisy.
The manly head of household was entirely dependent on his wife Yolanda Hill’s income for years, and that income was from a “nonprofit” that’s entirely taxpayer-funded and distributes free lunches to needy kids. She took $45,000 in “minority women in business” grants, which sure sounds like the DEI we’ve heard so much about.
And nonprofit is up there in quotes because six figures of money went missing, and Yolanda’s books were somewhere between “sloppy” and “shady.” She used pandemic funds to give herself a raise, and at least $830,000 went to salaries for herself, hubby and other family members. Sugarmommy got so much funding from the government that her hubby was able to quit his job, stop racking up misdemeanors for bad checks, and focus on his politicking, bellyaching his hate for women and taking handouts.
The guy who wants to control North Carolina’s $30 billion budget has also declared bankruptcy twice, and literally stiffed a cancer patient and the Girl Scouts. (What is it about these Republican people stealing from people and dogs with cancer?)
Is Robinson grateful for all those government dollars taxpayers have lined his pockets with? LOL. He’s been hollering that safety nets create a “plantation of welfare and victimhood” that has mired Black people in “dependency” and poverty. (Never mind that most recipients of SNAP benefits are white.)
North Carolina has the ninth-highest poverty rate in the country, but Robinson has other priorities, like quoting Hitler and telling trans people to shit on the street. Trump loves him, of course, and called him “Martin Luther King Junior on steroids.” “I think you’re better than Martin Luther King. I think you are Martin Luther King times two,” he gushed, because MLK Jr., Obama and Kanye are the only three Black people Trump can name.
How is Robinson’s brand of ceaseless hatefulness playing with the politically bi-curious? Not well! He’s gone from having a clear lead to being behind the Democratic challenger, Josh Stein, by a fine-as-frog’s-hair margin. He’s doing so poorly with fundraising that the NC GOP is trying to change the rules to allow for anonymous donations, because it seems no one wants their name associated with him.
The North Carolina GOP has also picked an absolute wackadoodle as its candidate to head the schools, Michele Morrow, who believes that Jim Carrey drinks the blood of children and that Obama and Biden should be executed.
Hey, are you a North Carolina resident? Let Equality NC help you register to vote, sign up for an absentee ballot or e-mail reminders, find voting locations and stay informed!
[LGBTQ Nation/ WRAL / AP]
I was doing just fine keeping my skirt down (it came well past my knees at that) until the subhuman I was tutoring in physics came at me.
I did everything they tell women to do to avoid that happening, and it still happened.
It was pure luck I didn't need an abortion.
So you and everyone else like you can STFU about keeping my skirt down.
Guy who hates handouts getting handouts.
Guy who calls abortions evil paid for one himself.
Guy who’s all “men should rule their homes” relies on his grifting wife to save his overdrawn ass.