For breakfast

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So much for the Theresienstadt-esque Sommerlager line.

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Maybe when KFC and McD's run out.

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"You should really have not just a border but a great, huge wall. I know a guy, donated a lot of money to me. I can get you a deal."

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A tariff is a tax. People were unhappy with TCJA. Just give 'em another reason to kick you all to the curb. (Assuming, of course, they vote for their own best interest and well......)

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The most amazing thing about that Lily Allen tweet is that it's not a string of marvelous obscenities stretching all the way across the Atlantic.

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Or alt+0161

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Or "religious freedom", because the LORD my God, Who dwells in glory above and beyond the myriad universes, has got nothing more important or interesting to do with eternal life than to spend it obsessing over what consenting adult talking apes do with their genitals in private.

I am one of those talking apes, and the subject does not even interest me that much.

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Will you settle for a still pic featuring a genuine Knight of the Realm?


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I don't expect the repubs to "grow a nut." Why start now? They've done just fine without them.

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on the other hand, hambest is getting some dick? that's more than she's had in more than a hundred pounds. besides Lisa eats ass. and it's time the jews quit whing and took action, moving to israel like they promised when they got all they were ever supposed to get off the holocaust.

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Where would you like it?

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Supply chains, they just come and go, no one knows how or why.

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Fakakta is one of my all-time favorite words. Thanks, $5F.

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Ferschlugginer is also a pretty good one for faux-Yiddish. Thanx, Mad Magazine.

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