PO'D: How often did we hear Sen. John Kerry quoted for saying "I voted for the $87 Billion before I voted against it?" Well, he voted for it when there was a method in place to pay for it. He voted against it when the GNoP's took that out.

Of course, President Bush (43) said he'd veto the legislation that actually included a payment mechanism. For some reason, that was never quoted.

In hindsight, Sen. Kerry was wrong about the war. But he was considering his decision based on the provided information. Again, Enron-style, the Bush Administration fixed the intelligence, spread it around, and then said "Geez - Everybody agreed with us."

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It'll surely put money into the -- uh -- hands of the neediest!

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If only they could actually DO something after the election, but then it's time to scare the peoplez about all the Dems who managed to pull out a win. . . .

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Keep in mind that during the Administrations of President Bush (43) the Federal government didn't budget money for disaster relief. One of the accounting gimmicks removed by President Obama (such as running two wars off the books, Enron-style) was to actually budget disaster relief funds, instead of waiting each year for a disaster to strike and then seeking an additional, special appropriation for that purpose.

This, of course, increased the "Obama Deficit." Mr. Obama, however, thought it was the honest way to present the fiscal picture to the American people.

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i know right? they should be getting this thrown in their face on a daily basis. they shrieked and shrieked about jobs in the 2010 campaign. when they got into office they tried to repeal health care and outlaw abortion. then they threw an unholy fit about the debt THEY helped run up and forced ill-advised tightening on a fragile economy. and hey presto! the economy - which was showing signs of life - tanked again, taking unemployment to greater depths. now they're meddling in fed policy for purely political ends.

gaw!!! i hate them.

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well kim jong il but, of course, he's considered a sociopath.

oh wait...

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this was my exact and first thought when i heard this nonsense this AM.

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can't somebody - anybody, anybody out there? turn this into a successful democratic talking point?

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Bigger dick and bigger dickhead emails all go to spam folder.

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oh just delightful and continuing the wonkette tradition of questioning why 14 teabaggers can get national press coverage:

'all things considered' is devoting prime time coverage to some dude from texas who wrote a 'rock anthem' called 'end the fed'.

dude is 65. the song sucks.

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i know! i know!! let's let CONGRESS control the money supply and act as a central bank!!

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People thought it was odd that moments after hearing the news, they had chosen that moment to joke around, re-enacting that restaurant scene from <i>When Harry Met Sally.</i>

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I've read friendlier ransom notes.

I'm surprised this wasn't written with pasted down letters cut out of magazine articles.

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Getting economic advice from a Repug makes as much sense as getting health advice for your sick horse from a bookie.

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[W]e submit that the board should resist further extraordinary intervention in the U.S. economy, particularly without a full bathtub, comfortable choking gloves, and plans to provide spontaneous spooge remediation assistance for the Job Creators of this nation.

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