While mourning Khartoum, I appreciate the ironic interstices of "gag gift."

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weirdly i'm listening to the soundtrack from our upcoming summer show and it just served up 'bitch is back'


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Not "Queen Bitch"? Wham, bam...

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Ta, Stephen. Much of what used to be the Republican Party is nothing but traitors, liars, seditionists, and scum.

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With more than a soupçon of stupid credulity.

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So....the border is currently open to illegal immigration? I'm really confused. Must be the Trump Farts.

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Just stop breathing till November.

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Thankfully, this terrible deal looks like it will get killed by Republicans who can't take a win when democrats capitulate. (Maybe this is 11 dimensional chess by Biden but not seeing it)

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Wanna close your southern border? Fine, it cost the US 2 million dollars in trade PER DAY. I have no idea whatever happened to your "border czar" Kamala Harris, who is AWOL on this -- last I heard offering nothing but maybe trying to ask a few US corporations to hire more people in Central America, and hire more cops to oppress the people who need to flee the cops -- while the Mexican state has been actively working to finance programs in Central America and further afield to ameliorate the conditions that force people to emigrate.

We've also been, where there's not much alternative, in finding jobs and housing for those immigrants... and yes, there are abuses, but the US is just sitting with its thumb up their collective asses while trying to spin a situation mostly of their own making (regarless of political party) for electorial talking points.

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You absolutely can't with those people

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What if we just sold Texas to Mexico? Then Texas would be a part of Mexico, and the Rio Grande wouldn’t be a national border anymore. Problem solved!

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Cute, but you'd still have all those people from Haiti, Venezuela, Cuba, etc. wanting to be protected by the bullies who destroyed their countries.

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The immigration and migrant situation is really sad and fucked up. But all I ever hear about is what we are doing to/with people arriving at the southern border. I hear very little about why so many people are risking their lives to come here in the first place. Why don’t we ever talk about that? (I mean, not “we” as in Wonkette non-commenters, but like…”we” as in the mainstream news media and political candidates and stuff.)

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Also, have the people screaming for walls right at the border not seen World War Z? I do not mean to compare refugees to zombies (although it’s interesting the zombie genre blossomed right at the height of fears of immigration and pandemics) but you’d think that anyone who was so certain that the influx of people into this country was SO IMMEDIATELY DANGEROUS (they turn to Democrats inside our borders) -you’d think they’d want some safeguards other than scalable walls and the ability to rubber stamp people back into outbound buses.

Unless they truly see this as the first step to just shooting people at the border, in which case, they ought to realize that never works, anyhow.

So: cruel AND dumb. The modern GOP.

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True. I believe there is even a book on the subject.

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I still can't understand how this is a "crisis" other than for the poor souls trying to find refuge. I get that the processing is woefully underfunded, but that seems like it should be easy to fix.

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It seems like you could call it an issue of national security and divert some defense or homeland security money to help it.

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Agree - that's why this package is the "conservative" approach. The obvious approach - expedited screening procedures and hearings to quickly identify who does/doesn't qualify for refugee status, with funding to match - was up for a vote some months back. I wonder who didn't vote for it...

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A snippet of a Trump klan rally had him addressing his cultists and dissing the border bill. Those fools were of course cheering his boasts about screwing negotiations. I guarantee you not a single one of them knows what’s in the border bill.

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Probably most of the republicans don’t know what’s in it either. “We don’t own it any more, now that Democrats rubbed their scent all over it.”

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I could guarantee you they wouldn't know what the border even looked like.

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So what you are saying is that right now, today, this very minute, the border would be completely closed on orders of Joe Biden but for Trump insisting that it stays open? I'm not particularly good at math, but I'm pretty sure that makes the supposed border crisis Trump's crisis. - anyone know how to get a hold of the NYT headline writing department?

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Clearly this congress needs an upgrade. Up and down the ballot, vote out these Republican traitors.

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This is a pretty shitty deal and I am thankful that the Republicans are too stupid/evil to take it. Shame on Sen. Chris Murphy for negotiating this garbage. He's the same Democrat who wanted to throw trans people under the bus, so I'm not surprised he would do the same for immigrants.

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The state party censured Lankford for even trying to accomplish something.

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