well, she is wacko. no question she'd be a front-runner for the GQP Party.

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I WA we sign the outside envelope, no affirmation on the secrecy ballot. Once the outside envelope signature is verified, the secrecy envelope moves on and is opened later. We can track receipt and acceptance of the ballot on-line.

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California too.

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Repubs have really gone Pavlovian, haven't they?

Including the drool.https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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It was written somewhere that the image we have of states may be inaccurate: There are more Republicans in California than there are in Texas. There are more Democrats in Texas than there are in New York. Not every Californian is a granola-chewing hippie and not every Texan is a gun-thumping bible-toter.

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As long as the Repub party keeps supporting and nominating WingNuts and conmen I will treat them as WingNuts and conmen. They weren't always like this, but currently they seem to be determined to be that.

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What they're talking about is what the Repub attack machine usually talks about: lies, spite, and fantasy.

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In the eyes of the Lord they've created in their own image, yes.

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Our rural areas are still straight out of Deliverance.

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I'm thoroughly of the opinion that Papa John's and the other shitty chains exist solely because they're willing to be open 24/7 when most pizza parlors close for the night, which means the corporate chains get 100% of the drunk stoners at night for whom taste is not a consideration.

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We are making different points

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Not entirely different. I think there's some overlap.

You said that "Riordan losing the GOP nom when me was clearly more qualified proved they were unhinged."

I said that the Repub party "keeps supporting and nominating WingNuts and conmen" and that is why I won't vote Repub.

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My local pizza joint is open until 4 am. There is pizza for the drunks when the bars close up. Grand opening, grand closing for the Papa.

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You are talking about 2021 and I'm talking about a turning point election two decades ago.

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Darrel Issa, snarling serial killer.

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The fact that the dates are different is not evidence that the points are different. The Repubs have been heading in this direction for a long time.

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