So my question to the tri-point hat wearing teatarders is why am I as a taxpayer subsidizing the cost of electricity for two states that make Texas look like the garden of Eden?

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Then he better hope that he had the good fortune to be born into a family that can afford stuff.

Because no way in hell my taxes are paying to treat that cough he picked up in Babylon.

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If Obama came out in favor of laxative, the Republicans would spend the next four years constipated out of spite.

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almost as bad as Benghazi

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since this morning's Poltico exposé

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Ahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hohohohohohohoho Heeheeeheeeheeheeheeheheeeeeheheheeeeeeeehahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaa hee hee heh heh ha he hee.

That is all.

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Wal-Mart is counting on it.

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ya know, she hates that song

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Because it really did it happened just this way That day Obama socked it to the Harper Valley TVA

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you could not be clearer but i believe you forgot to mention 'bootstraps'.

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Republicans are confusing this with the Tennessee Vagina Authority, where strict government control is obviously necessary.

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Dok is the pusher

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Look. You people are obstinate. Let me clear this up for you, one last time:

When the government spends money on people or issues that are not conservative, this is called "Socialism", was invented by Hitler, and has as its only purpose the destruction of both America and God.

When the government spends money on people or issues that are conservative, this is called "Pitching In", was invented by Jesus, and strengthens our moral fiber, while at the same time glorifying God, the Constitution, and St. Reagan.

Can I be any clearer?

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