Saudi Arabia has spent over $100 billion to promote Wahhabism all over the world. This gave rise to the Taliban, al Qaeda, and ISIL. Saudi Arabia was the home of the majority of the 9/11 terrorists. But the House of Saud and the Bush family have such close ties that Prince Bandar was called 'Bandar Bush' by George H.W. Bush and there are photographs of President George W. Bush holding hands with and kissing the King of Saudi Arabia. There is only one way to solve the problem of violent jihadism. That is to invade and conquer Saudi Arabia and arrest the entire Bush clan as fellow travelers and agents for the terrorists. The Bushs and Saudi royal family should be kept in GITMO for life and Saudi Arabia carved up for our various oil companies.

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you misspelled "lie holes".

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Trying to read that bottomless bowl of word salad, that only thing I could think was "what?"

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Redolent with the essences of ham and biscuits.

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They thought that the Chechens would welcome them as liberators.

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The authors of the <i>Chronica Prophetica</i> and the <i>Chanson de Roland?</i>

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He's got the vapors, I think he may swoon.

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Yep, let's send more soldiers in to fight an enemy that wears no uniform, hides among the civilians (or as the right-wing calls them "collateral damage"), and fights a guerrilla war. Because that's worked so well the last three times we did it...

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If we kill some more of them, the rest will settle down and be our friends.

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I can't decide which side of the Holy War to be on. Miss Lindsey didn't give <b>ANY</b> fashion guidance. Is it black or white tie?

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Huh? I thought the whole point of WW2 was to force health insurance on the rest of the world?

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I know! Why don't Russian and the USA conquer the middle east and divvy it up between themselves?

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