exactly- he flat out lied and there will be NO repercussions

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I don't see Rick Scott's angle here.

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And not just the staffers getting away with it. Also the journalist who reproduced the lies and reinforced them with some of his own.

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Somebody <em>really</em> left Fox News, didn't they?

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The non-Fox "news" outlets are also owned by billionaires.

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4. Hahahahahahahaha

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Actually, I continue to be happy with my image of him quietly decaying; maybe a few bits dropping off in the coffin.

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Didn't somebody lose their job because they were fooled by some forged military documents regarding Dubya? Shouldn't <strike>Dan</strike> somebody be kind of loudly pissed off if nothing happens in this case?

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Counterpoint: that youtube with a cat <i>wearing a shark outfit</i> on a Roomba chasing a duckling.

Now, <i>my</i> cat would rip my face off, but clearly you are overgeneralizing.

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we really need to get you and Eric Steinberg together at one of those drink thingies

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Pretty sure corpses can't get diseases.

Cuz you know that chicken has been dead since 2010.

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You're giving them too much credit. More like the guy with long blond hair who ran away when the going got tough (Malfoy, that's his name)

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Well, you can make up a lie to fit any situation you like.

You can't do the same thing with truth.

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Jonathan Karl is a douchebag villager that saw a chance to drive the narrative and make himself a star for the weekend by "breaking" this story, knowing it would consume his equally idiotic stenographer buddies on all the Sunday TeeVee shows. And no,not one of those shit weasels will acknowledge that they were wrong or that the story is B.S. and that is what keeps the GOP in business.They know how to play the press like a violin- the story is out, the damage is done and they already have those useless fools chasing the next bright shiny object as they breathlessly report about "Obama in damage control mode. can he weather the scandals?"

I'm with drunkenirishman- fuck these clowns

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Why the fuck Jonathan Karl isn't retraining for a new career after having been emphatically fired and informed by all other potential employers in the journalism industry that no, they are not and never will be interested in hiring his hack ass, is incomprehensible to me.

The fucker flat-out lied. He didn't just stenograph for his partisan buddy "source", he didn't just give a malicious liar the cover of anonymity, he intentionally misled the reader with words that were not in any way true, such as that the emails had been "reviewed by ABC News".

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Oh I'm sure we'll hear about this on Fox and Friends.

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