Our republic hasn't been around long enough to weed out the whack-a-doodles yet.

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Zu bist ein Berliner!

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Extra style points for "Teebeutle-y".

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Germany's been dumping their whack jobs on the US for over two centuries. Once the Nazis were finished, they had all the ingredients to create a sane society. It may have taken two thousand plus years altogether, but they got there.

While we just get crazier and crazier.

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Czech Republic: drastic difference between older generations (very little English) and younger ones (much better, but nowhere near Germany-, Holland-, Scandinavian- quality). Good place to teach English if you don't mind cheap, excellent beer.

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They're auditioning for the new show "Sieben und Zahlen".

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Let's deport them to Texas, which can then secede, with liberty for white people and white people... Florida can go to.

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Which is why you're welcome to keep them, I'm sure they'll fit right in in, say, Tejas.

To be fair, while this family might be visiting the states for the first time, it's more like homecoming for the wacky evangelical lunacy they espouse, most of that ideology seems to be a US export.

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"Good God, Jim, they're breeding conservatives"

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Don't they screech "something something indoctrination, future Democrat voters" about other little refugees? (Brown ones)

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If they get accepted, it's beyond disgusting. We have enough of these perverts here without importing more of them. Congress - do your job & deny them asylum, they are NOT victims of persecution.

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NO! Send them back to Germany. We've got enough christofascists to clean out of this country without adding more to the mix.

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Funny, they actually look like any other fundamentalist Stepford family here. They're well on the way to match the Dugger cult - seven kids & counting. That's why the RW House is so eager to bring them here.

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We have the US Nazi's & their flags, & the German war criminal Nazi's who moved here after the war, the entire GOPTP & its followers, who are the fascists.

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Seven so far, working on the 8th I'm certain. They're going for the record of the Duggers.

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Brain dead for sure.

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