The questioner “…wanted to know what the candidates would do to “calm their fears that Republicans don’t care about climate change?”” Which is SUCH classic Repuglicanism…not “How are you going to deal with climate change,” but “How are you going to convince people you care about climate change?” No action, just politically motivated bullshit.

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Cookies? We have fucking cakes!

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"the last time a “skinny guy with a funny name” ran for president we got Obama"

Who I most definitely did not hug after hurricane Sandy dumped the Boardwalk into the Atlantic and you can't prove it because unlike some guys who decided not to show up tonight I know how to erase the tapes.

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And gosh, we know how that turned out. After 8 years of drama-free competent governance (for the most part, anyway), we got 4 years of T***p. We don't want to risk that again, for sure.

(Of course, this assumes Ramaswamy would be drama-free and competent or even just one of the two, and I'm pretty sure that's a false assumption. At best, we can hope he wouldn't be overseeing a 4 year crime spree, like the last Republican "president".)

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so, a waste of time. figures.

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I was fully expecting Christie to take advantage of the moment to dominate and get the MSM talking about a Trump-Christie fight. From all reports, his best days are evidently behind him.

Everything Trump touches turns to shit.

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DeSantis was right, the members of that panel were not children. Children have a better grasp of the problems climate change is causing. At least until states like Florida sanitize public education to end discussion not only about slavery and racism, but climate science too.

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They told that young whipper snapper but good!

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These people are all the worst. And yet, they are the best that the GQP has to offer. Can't wait for the next Republican President, when he regulates "Rollin' Coal Wednesdays."

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I think I see their problem: “Let us be honest as Republicans”

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Are we just going to ignore all of that windmill cancer?

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"we’ve got a seat for you on the Democratic bus. It’s electric, even. The bus, not the seat, really. And we have cookies!"

TBH, we lied about the cookies...

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We have cookies! Sure, they have carob, not chocolate, and they're gluten-free and taste like cardboard. But they're still cookie-shaped.

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I make a rather mean chocolate chocolate-chip cookie.

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The 12 year old boy who lives in my head approves of the header pic.

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A friend was lying in bed reading by candlelight when he felt a fart coming on and reached for the trusty candle.

Learned that it's advisable to have some layer of clothing between the methane and the flame.

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Our Gov. Moore was on the TV this morning talking about making MD the poster child for offshore wind energy. Last year, attended a virtual meeting with the firm that’s planning a project off Ocean City. Every young voter should have seen the alternatives to delivering pizza or running the Tilt-A-Whirl. Local Wor-Wic Community College is offering training for the high-tech positions. If I were 19 again, would apply o be a mate aboard the boats that will shuttle maintenance crews to the windmills.

There’s as much major moolah to be made in this arena as in fool’s gold fossil fuels.

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If the Koch Brothers had taken the money they spent trying to protect their precious fossil fuel holdings and put it into green energy R&D, they could be the holders of patents that would have, over time, dwarfed what they're making from their oil and gas.

Trust fund babies aren't known for their foresight.

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I love how they always say “but there’s a right way to do it” as an excuse for not doing anything and/or being obstructionist about whatever the topic happens to be.

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Except they never do mention what "the right way to do it" would be.

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I think their “right way” is to do nothing…

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. . . because they are busy doing "the right way to NOT do it" . . . and who has time in their busy schedule of jumping through hoops for their owners to even formulate a policy?

[ besides, their knees are sore again today ]

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This exchange should have prompted every media outlet to flat out say that no one on that stage is qualified to be president.

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fuck the media! . . . i want the voters to get it.

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Love the intro graphic!

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So Ramaswamy says he's not beholden to any special interests, yet still had the same talking points as everyone has

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Vivek is one of America's youngest billionaires. Since he's mostly self-funding his campaign, he really is beholden to a billionaire.

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He suckles at the, well, we won't say what he suckles at, let's just say it's attached to Peter Thiel.

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