Thier children are easier to trap and much more tender. /s

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Mods: Clean up on Aisle 5!

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I think you're lying, Kirstie.

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And then, of course, you can't really move away.

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They do have a crunchy outside and a sweet liquid center.

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Bears, on the other hand, treat them like candy.

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I digitized all of my CDs.

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And just in time to blame Democrats for it because it will come into full effect after Dems are in charge. As said... just like every time.

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OK, honestly I don't have any problem with the evil people at the top of our society getting what's coming to them. And if people want to eat them then I won't argue about it.

But it's gross and I'm not going to do it or associate with anyone who does.

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Any time we have a Republican-led everything, Constitutional remedies will fail because the Constitution assumes that there are enough moral, ethical adults that the immoral ones will be stopped.

But when you have a majority of Republicans you also have a majority of amoral, unethical persons in charge.

Once they get everything they want out of Trump they're going to do one of two things.

A) Force him to resign under threat of impeachment and then they'll claim the moral high ground saying that he finally crossed the line and they did their duty by forcing him out of office. Of course they stood by and did nothing during his worst offenses but they'll pretend that up until they did do something that nothing he did was all that bad.

Right wingers everywhere will claim they did the right things as opposed to, "Hey, Dems did nothing about Bill Clinton!!!!"


B) Republicans will just go full-on fascist and not even pretend that they aren't. They're pretty much there already but still pay some small amount of lip service to being moral and blah... blah... blah...

At this point you can actually expect them to start imprisoning and executing everyone they disapprove of.


At this point I think it's a 50/50 shot of which way they go. It all depends on how many Republicans think it matters how evil they look. If there are enough then they'll go with A). If not then it's B).

In both cases we're all fucked because you can bet that if we're even allowed to vote any more then Republicans will somehow always win in the same way Putin always wins.

The only way we rescue the country after this is actual civil war.

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Studies show that in a century's time, the English language will consist only of the word 'fuck'. It will have, it is estimated, more than a hundred thousand meanings, which will have to be communicated through subtle inflections of loudness, pitch, syllable length, and the like.Teenagers will learn 20th century English as a sort of fucked-up slang to fucking piss off their fucking parents.

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Meanwhile, how many of my fellow poverty-stricken Americans are going to end up in the gutter? I know they don't care, but I sure do.

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The floggings will continue until morale improves.

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Spoiler alert: these little robotic fuckers damn near kill us all.

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