Michele Bachmann is available

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I hear Herschel Walker isn't doing anything.

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If they go TFG, we have reached Last Survivor election status

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Kanye. Put him in as Speaker. We all need a good laugh.

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Since they are all little kids shaking their fists, maybe... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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'Craven idiotic scheme.'

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Pundits often refer to Democrats as a herd of cats but this Repub leadership fight looks a bit like a bunch of raccoons scrapping in a trash can.

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To be Speaker a majority of the WHOLE House has to vote for the candidate, not just a majority of the larger party, so unless any candidate gets 218 votes they won't be Speaker. So if all the Democrats plus just a handful of GOPers get behind a candidate, that person will be Speaker.

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No they are wagging their peeners.

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I guess the math rules out people like the president before Biden.

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oooh. maybe that is why i've been hearing him yapping lately. i was wondering what possible reason anyone would care to hear his opinion on things.

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Yup. ",,, work across the aisle to find an agreeable Republican." Too much to expect them to reach across for an agreeable Democrat,

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i look forward to seeing him lose yet again. loseringest loser can't stop losing!

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Can you feel the earth shaking under the vootschtaps, sorry footsteps, of the unforeseen, unforgiven, unwanted GOP fuckwit who will automatically command the fealty of the fuckwit army?? I can hardly fucking wait. Good lord.

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I'd vote for Led Zeppelin!

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Too ponderous.

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