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I will be on a hair trigger to close these comments. Don't be shitty.

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thank you, Rebecca!

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Apr 25Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

May I say that I dislike Tehran Tom intensely and would like to drop him into an oubliette? And lose the location?

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I believe Saddam Hussein's "spider hole" still has a vacancy.

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Only if you put PAB in the one next to him, with only a bunch of expired Taco Bell for sustenance... and cut airholes in the connecting wall.

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Tehran Tom would much prefer a shared oubliette with dear leader poised overhead.

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That is borderline Kitteh Transport No More Internet dot gif **even for ME**.

That's difficult to do. No snark: nice work!

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Smoke ‘em if you’ve got ‘em, ‘trix😉

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

(Sigh) With all due respect, Rebecca, hoping people won't be shitty on this topic is like hoping the gun won't be fired in a Chekhov play.

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TBF, there wasn't a lot to be shitty ABOUT...The only villains in this story are RW garbage people like Tom Cotton...The protesters saying Sedar was the clincher...I got all verklempt reading that

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What's our term for "Chekhov's Gun"? "Wonkette's Shit"?

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Wonkette’s Clams

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Apr 25Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Wonkette's Cakes. If you see them in the first act, in the third act we will like them.

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Aren't all the advocates for fascist domestic overreach over on Klownhall?

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De-activate Shit Cannons!

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But don't cross the streams.

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Is there Filth afoot, my Queen?

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PEEPS don't be dicks

Please upgrade to paid

So we can have Cat Pics!

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Watch your tongue.

And don't be dicks.

Send Wonkette cash

To get cat pics!


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Why not? Email Robyn your fur baby pics so there will be plenty

of our fur babies for the Wonk Authors to pick from!

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Saw a possum this morn, but it wasn't a babby.

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gah, there was one in my yard last night! as if the bunnies and groundhogs and deer aren't enough invaders!

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That's right, I'll say it again:

Skinny-assed soldiers with Nixon's boner...

I jest. Just because you CAN do something, doesn't make it a good idea.

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Cotton and Hawley - twin sons of different mothers.

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The story of Mary Ann Vecchio, the kneeling teenager frozen in time in perpetual horror at Kent State and John Filo, the young photographer who had his camera with him and snapped the picture, is worth a read. That photo changed the course of both their lives forever, and linked them in tragedy to each other. Her life was already hard, she was a 14-year-old runaway and not a student at Kent State. She had jumped on a bus and ended up there. After the photo, our shitty government and FBI attacked her, making up false claims about her to limit the impact of that horrific moment in time. They accused her of being a plant, anti-America, a drug-addict, a communist and many other lies that even jeopardized her safety. The fucking Governor of Florida called her “part of a nationally organized conspiracy of professional agitators” and said she was “responsible for the students’ death.” She was actually a 14-year-old girl who wandered onto to campus to see what was happening. She went into hiding for a time after Kent State. Filo enjoyed a career that was forever bolstered by that incredible image, winning a Pulitzer as a college senior. But he was aware of the terrible cost to Vecchio’s life, saying he felt responsible for “trapping her in that image.” They didn’t meet until 25 years later at a Kent State memorial. He was terrified about meeting her face to face. She took his hand and hugged him, and they both cried.

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Ta, Dok. I am not down with university officials playing footsie with the cops, let alone the Guard. I am far more interested in the First Amendment than the Second.

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These republican shitheads like Hawley, Cotton and Speaker Mike need to suck eggs in hell. Figuratively, I guess.

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These republican shitheads like Hawley, Cotton and Speaker Mike need to suck eggs in hell. Figuratively, I guess.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26

Okay, I’m not a citizen (shhhhh … don’t tell!), but doesn’t this kind of suggestion violate the first amendment?

Also, one of my daughters is of the opinion that the UN should send the blue helmets into Gaza to protect the people being killed indiscriminately. That would be fascinating to see.

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Whose blue helmets, though? The UN has no troops except for what some member nation is willing to send. I don't think even the Nepali Gurkhas want to step in between Israel and Hamas.

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Fair point. Canada has been on most peacekeeping missions since they started, but their military is small. And as you rightly say, the position is suicidal. I think her comment reflects more her helplessness in the face of unmitigated evil. And even if bibi were somehow to kick the bucket, it probably wouldn’t slow anything down. Maybe it’s time for an airlift, and take the people out of the way.

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If there is a serious effort to move the refugees from Rafah back to northern Gaza, Hamas will start killing some of them to intimidate the others into refusing to go.

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Just a reminder: Neil Young is out on tour right now. And he hasn’t mellowed.

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My daughter was arrested at Emerson College last night. I do not fully agree with her position, which takes a black-and-white/all-good or all-evil view of Israel and Gaza, but we have discussed this, and she chose to put herself at risk for what she believes. If Hawley and Cotton want to sic the guard on my child for that, I will have a problem with it, and I won't deal with it by sitting on the sofa and thumb-typing a polemic.

These are college students. They are earnest in their beliefs, probably wrong, and in no way a threat to the Republic. Students protested Vietnam, Apartheid, the 1%, yet somehow we still don't suffer under the yoke of a left-wing totalitarian regime. There is a threat to the republic, but it's not these kids.

I'm fucking done with these GOP clowns. Fucking. Done.

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With a daughter in grad school at USC and a niece undergraduate at Barnard (part of Columbia University) our family has been receiving a lot of first hand reports on the protests.

At Columbia the ground floor of the slightly off campus dorm where my niece lives has been turned over to the NYPD. She also reported that the Administration had given permission for Gavin McInnes, the founder of the Proud Boys, to be on campus. I admit I was a bit sceptical of this, but there was a photo and a small mention of this on one website. Why is this not a bigger story? Note that the whole campus is pretty much locked down, students need to show ID to go anywhere and this fascist is allowed to stroll around and mingle with students. WTF indeed!

She also said that the entire Orientation Committee, you know the smiley kids who greet prospective and new students and their parents, have all resigned in protest. She said that the only aggressive verbal attacks that she's witnessed are from off campus supporters of Israel shouting: "Death to Muslims" and "35,000 dead in Gaza is not enough". She said that as a little white girl she hasn't faced any intimidation but that numerous friends who are black or brown report getting harassed every time they go out of the restricted campus zone by Anti-Muslim/Gaza people

So heck of a job college administors you may have sucked up to the donor class but you've given a whole generation a personal look at power and police brutality.

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I googled his name and "Columbia" (it was one of the top search queries) and it sure looks like that's correct: McInnes was there ahead of Mike Johnson's speech. There's video of it. What the hell is Columbia playing at?


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Yes. I've heard these students referred to as "privileged white kids," and as a privileged white kid who was teargassed in 1970 on a college campus, I welcome them to the radicalized minions working for peace and justice.

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I’m not sure I can tell the difference between Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley

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I think Tom has more of a southern accent.

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Sic some rioters on them. The one twenty yards ahead is Hawley.

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Bobble-throated slap dicks are notoriously difficult to differentiate.

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I just heard this in David Attenborough's voice: "𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘣𝘣𝘭𝘦-𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘱𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘬, 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘦𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵..."

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Meanwhile, January 6 rioters mostly peaceful visitors.

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You beat ONE COP with a flagpole and the radical left brands you an “insurrectionist” forever

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SOO unfair!!

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One man's protect the jewish students at Columbia is that exact same man's "jews will not replace us"

in Charlottesville. How do they even keep it straight in their tiny smooth brains?

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Re the famous Kent State kneeling girl photo, the Right claimed she was not a student but some homeless waif who had hitchhiked to the campus. As if that made any difference.

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