But why did she not mention the part about how the GA legislature can change the state's electoral college vote if they don't like how the actual people voted?

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I know. I was living in Plano at the time. It's mind-boggling how those stadium proposals always got voter approval. Starplex, AA Arena, Cowboy stadium, the new ballpark, the new new ballpark...

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I criticize Psaki's predecessor on her words and poor job performance only. Respect starts and ends with our own conduct, even our 'tiny' quibbles reveal much more than what skin does.

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(Periodic reminder that more people live in Atlanta Metro than in the entire state of South Carolina.)

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I wish that provision got more attention. It's much more serious than banning people from giving water to people waiting in line. I looks like the latter is being used as a smokescreen for obscuring the former.

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Couple of nice linkies for when you feel like dropping the mic on Republican lies about CO and GA voting: https://9news.com/embeds/vi...



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Denver's Five Points neigborhood was known as the"Harlem of the West," back in the bad old days. https://www.rmpbs.org/blogs...

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That's not how Denverites see it. Our rep is Diana DeGette, impeachment manager. We looooove her. We do not claim Boebert, who is not from anywhere near Denver and who will not be re-elected.

Also, we get to brag about our awesome voting system, which is the gold standard. People should be asking why their own state doesn't have a system as good as ours.

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^^^Deserves ALL the upfists.^^^

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Yeah, the whole thing about the legislature being able to overturn local election results is the elephant they're trying to distract people from noticing.

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So damn true! Love this!

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Not only can pretty much everyone here in CO vote by mail, I wouldn’t get busted for handing someone a bottle of water in a line to vote (not that we have much of those because of the aforementioned voting by mail) so Tim Scott can get bent.

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I’m honestly surprised the law doesn’t literally say “black people’s votes don’t count any more”

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I believe the last time I voted in person here it took about 45 minutes, which includes walking to the school and back

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Posted for GOD:

Republicans Just Lying Their Asses Off About... leave off the last three words of the headline and insert any other idea and the headline would still be 100% accurate. Repubs are consistent like that.

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