Been there, done that. Single contact lens did the trick. You won't regret this. I now have the best vision of my entire life.

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Fresh rocks in my case.

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I like the Max Headroom background.

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DST has actually killed school children.

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That's what barbecuing was invented to remedy.

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I remember when my dad has his cataract surgery done; he had worn glasses since he was 4, and when he got the IOLs he happily proclaimed that he had a reading eye & a "shootíng" eye.

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If you can't take credit for something you didn't do, I don't even know what country this is anymore.

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Said it before, and saying it again.

These GQP lie, cheat, and steal. Over and over.My question. WHAR consequences?

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But when you don't have leadership you'll have to settle for election "reform."

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And their next “big” legislative proposal is to abolish the estate tax, which, even at 1990s levels would affect only a small proportion of taxpayers.

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As an old Indian said: Only a white man would believe that if you cut a foot off the top of your blanket and sew it onto the bottom, you'll have a longer blanket.

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Havin' a beer with GWB also too

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She is! How embarrassing. Even worse, I am doing it with one eye since my right one was corrected for distance via cataract surgery but my left is still foggy and nearsighted (awaiting next surgery). So I’m completely at autocorrect‘s mercy.

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This. This is the whole point.

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"I can have my cake and not vote for it too"

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