
It's this exactly. Thank you, Robyn.

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Best of the Left had a really good episode in the past year dealing with this "civility" nonsense and how "civility" or "tone policing" is just used to try to squelch dissent.

Personally, I find the civility stuff aimed at Democrats and liberals simply infuriating. Spanky has encouraged his Nuremberg rally attendees to engage in violence, but denying Sarah a cheese plate is beyond the pale for some reason.

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I think it's all about strategy. At some point if you go too low, you're going to turn off voters because people will ask themselves what's the difference between you and them.

What Lindsey Graham and Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh and some others did this week in calling the Democrats incivil simply for wanting to put BK on the stand and get some due process into the system was absolutely not helping anything because it's mischaracterizing our behavior.

At the same, yes, we are occasionally uncivil. I don't have a problem with politely telling Sarah Huckabee Saunders you can't serve her, but telling a Republlican congressmen who might or might not agree with every part of the Trump administration to go f--- himself is being hateful to me and will turn me off (prompting many of you to probably tell me to go f--- myself, sure, but at the end of the day you can't control my behavor), harrassing Ted Cruz at dinner, can be seen as over the line by some voters who you don't want to turn off.

Whether you believe in taking the moral high ground or not, it's more about optics. Think middle school. The kid who throws a temper tantrum when he's bullied isn't going to be as well-liked as the kid who, in a cool and collected manner tells off the jock or the mean girls with a well-placed zinger.

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I have had it up to HERE with these assholes and their calls for civility! This bullshit 'civility for thee, but not for me' crap is getting pretty damn tiresome.

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I'm an old, one whose lawn you kids should get off of. The first election I could vote in was Reagan's second midterm. So for my entire political life, the Republican party, at least at the national level, if not in all states, has been the party of lower taxes for the rich, of breaking unions, of opposing women's rights, gay rights, trans rights, and of putting their Jesus on everything.I've heard of a before time when Republicans were the party of good guys and grown-ups. I've just never experienced it.

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The party of Fox News, hate wing radio, fake Christian radio and TV, and their floatsam and jetsam right wing pundits has no moral ground to "chastise Democrat's incivility."

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This is the moment when the guy with the big mouth who's been screaming "fuck you fuck you I'll break your face I'll break your children's teeth if I see em I'll give your mother thirteen stitches" sees the other guy's face change. So now he's frantic "ah come on now, you'll go to jail sure, it was only talk, I'm a spoofer, ask anyone".

Time to metaphorically beat the shit out of him, with votes.

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Oh Mitch trust me, we can show you what being attacked by a mob is like, if that's what you want us to demonstrate. With pitchforks. Made of votes, of course.

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This is Lowery's style blame the left without context of the situation created by the rightObama's executive orders were an overreach , ignoring the fact that the republicans refused to work with the administration on anything.The man is a wanker

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Yeah, no! They can't headfake there way into getting a pass. They sold the whole fucking farm when they dove in pointy heads first with Captain Cumquat.

That stank won't hunt. They are tarnished and scarred for life and yeah, they know it. They just want a get out of multiple prisons free card.

And again, yeah-no.

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Kanye is spectacularly, breathtakingly dumb. Like, I am in awe of how anyone can possibly be that dumb.

And yet he somehow got rich and famous.

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I think some of us Wonkers swear that much.

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I like to think that when I thanked my rep, Gerry Connolly, for fighting the good fight, he knew that I meant, "Burn that motherfucker down!"

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I can remember a speech class discussion in high school in 1972 where the topic was school funding and whether the federal government should be involved.

I remember being accosted afterward by three people and being roughed up for daring to think that the federal government had a role to play in this.

I was a speech class nerd who stood 6' tall and weighed 145 lbs. Every single one of my tormenters played football. They must have collectively weighed 600 lbs.

Don't talk to me about civility. I have NEVER seen any leftie do this crap. The only people whining about civility are the people who understand it least.

Fuck off pigs! You had your chance in speech class and you blew it.

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