They have no clue on what to replace it with. They tossed out a few balloons over the years and they were quickly shot out of the sky. Nothing any Republican would agree to would ever work better than the ACA does. Anything that would work better, at least a public option under ACA or government sponsored insurance, the GOP would ignore or refuse to consider because it would raise taxes. They never intended to replace the ACA with anything so they just stopped acting like they had a plan. Now, they are being forced to show their cards and they don't even have a low pair. But they continue to try bluffing. Ya know, if you combine my 3 and 5, I have an 8, and I have another 8 so I have a pair. And I have a 6 and a 2, another 8, so I win. Three of a kind, 8 high. It only works when you can make up your own rules. Unfortunately, with the White House, congress and soon the Supreme Court under Republican rule, they can make their own rules.

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Can you get the meds out of the country? I was denied Harvoni for Hep C five times from my health insurer because they did not think I was sick enough and they were not dropping $96,000 to cure me. I got my drugs from India for &1500 and was cured.

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(but yeah, you know that. when they curtail benefits / cut social programs there is always a grandfathered group. it'll be 55+ for the destruction of social security and medicare. they don't give a flying fuck how they fund it. they don't give a flying fuck about funding anything...)

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They don't intend to replace it at all. This is just a victory dance around the blah guy.

They should have t-shirts made reading "Nah nah nah nah nah."

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Now you're talking , in terms of Rethugs.....

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The big question on my mind? Will this "Trumpcare" offer any help to minorities? If it does, I am right out of here.

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The GOP is aware that the insurance companies write them checks, right?

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You're just allowing them the dignity of a natural death.

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Those Reverse McCarthyists?

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Remember the old line about the dog that finally caught the speeding car?

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Can we call the replacement "TrumpCrap"? Please, can we?

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That's Pharma DOUCHE.

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Except that dumb doesn't cover that level of BITCHCUNTERY.

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emphasis on the color of the text?

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