You can't teach the controversy witout making it first, doh!

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Yeah... they made sure to blame it on Obama's military budget cuts and "his" sequester in their report. They conveniently forgot to mention that he specifically requested a funding increase for embassy security... which was also voted against by these same assholes after Hillary's testimony when she made a point to bring it up afuckingain!

They are filthy rotten scumbags who are physically, emotionally & mentally incapable of earning any respect through honest work or good deeds of their own merit.

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Nope... I just mentioned that above and also noted that these are the same assholes who voted against the funding requests (twice) that Hillary made a point to mention in her testimony.

I made a list awhile back of all the dickheads who's primary line of questioning during her testimony was related to finances (expenses, budgets, etc.). It was pretty telling. The usual suspects were far more worried about spending than resolving the exact issues that brought them there in the first place. The hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance they set might have been a world record.

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I second that... I knew it was coming but it doesn't make it any less FFS.

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And they told me never to read the comments!

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Oh Em Gee, finally an exception to Mike Godwin's contribution to internet tradition.

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It's so secret, even Sheriff Joe doesn't know where the bottom is.

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Benghazifenestrationz!!!!!!!!11!!$%@$%&^*&^) Hey

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Hell, Bey.

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HA hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (etc)

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Spectacularly nice one. Also, you know, pretty much true.

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I do not recall which Wonket non-commenter (since there are no comments allowed) came up with this, but apparently the investigators concluded that there was no chance to send MOIP (Marines Over Internet Protocol).

Whoever that was, please claim your prize (nothing). I remember the meme, but not the creator.

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With a team of two-foot detectives, no less

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Yeah, but. This is the Boehner Republican House. If only there were a Teaparty majority, the "true facts" would come out.

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I heard of Been gauzed long afore 2012 ,it was in reference of the ass burnin treatment the GOP took in 08 when Obammy beat them like a drum

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It probably worked on some video game meant for children 7 and under.

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