I just popped in to say that Governor Dewine of Ohio is a cowardly, feckless, two faced leader who caters and cowers to the crazies of Ohio.

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If you want to see a clear racistly drawn map look no further than the current Ohio District 2. Just by looking you can see where here is a donut hole shaped carve out in the northwest corner over Cincinnati. Guess what the the race of those neighborhoods are? Then they pull those people into a district that stretches all the way to fucking Portsmouth Ohio which is around 100 miles away and of course the middle is all rural whites. It’s disgraceful.

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This will also take out other Republicans such as Boebert. and I would never put any trust into what Politico says.

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US added to list of ‘backsliding’ democracies for first time‘Visible deterioration’ in US civil liberties began in at least 2019, says international thinktank


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Yes, well a lot of that change has to do with the loss of the manufacturing sector and union jobs. It doesn't help that the average working guy now identifies as Republican because reasons.

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"I would like to give the administration credit... But, ya know, I really can't."

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Okay, suddenly I'm hearing some news story about a school shooting, and I'm not even reading that post. Can y'all turn off the autoplay, please?

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Yep, I live in North Carolina. Under the existing map I live in District 12, which has been redrawn so many times I’ve lost count and is often cited as an example of Democratic gerrymandering because it looks like a snake. In 2008 it was competitive and I volunteered for Larry Kissel, “moderate” D candidate, (running against incumbent Robin Hayes, who went on to chair the state GOP and then be indicted for crimes). Kissel won and promptly opposed the ACA and various other Obama initiatives, asshole, and then they redrew the district again so now it’s solid D and Kissel retired after living his dream of Manchining the house. ANYWAY, the new map does away with odd shaped districts almost entirely. All the districts are either shaped like cities or vast swaths of nothing. They’re moving me into district 9, which was the one they had to do over last time because of rampant, blatant Republican cheating. The R’s won the do-over, but it must have scared them. District 9 is now basically Charlotte, and will be reliably Democratic, along with the district that is Raleigh and the one that’s Durham and Chapel Hill. That’s it, that’s all we get, although there are way more of us than there are of them. So basically what Stephen said much better than I did, but I thought I’d add my personal outrage.

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Here in NC the R general assembly changes the way we elect judges every time it looks like their chokehold on the courts is loosening.

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That settles it then - we all move to Alberta and the rest of Canada will grant us citizenship for fixing their problem child.

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A great deal of research has gone into theories of fairer redistricting. The overview is that none are 100% "fair" but any of them are better than the abominations we're currently stuck with.

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The only thing fair is having one list of candidates for one country.

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Getting the attention of poor people is extremely simple. You pay them. And you keep paying them. The additional support programs we get them are necessary, but what they remember is when they get some unexpected money that they can apply to what currently vexes them.

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The US threw off the faraway monarchy in favor of local aristocracy while talking a lot about "freedom".

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Who is this "Murt" fellow? He seems popular!

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