Well, POOP! My strange name-mixup brainfart strikes again: David Lat was the founding editor of ABOVE THE LAW, not Lawfare, and I know I knew that, but damned if I didn't type "Lawfare."

Wonkette regrets the error.

Also, did you guys know Tennessee and Kentucky are different places?

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Trump certainly had some sort of dirt on Kennedy.

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Also Putin's agenda, too.

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You let a few Nazis in to help you build rockets and 70 years later you find your country is infested with them.

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IF dems have the trifect, white house and both houses of Congress. They must expand the number of justices and pack the court with liberals. Stolen elections shouldn't be allowed to stand.

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What makes me mad, is only liberal websites are covering Kavanaugh committing perjury. Haven't seen it discussed anywhere else. Not even on MSNBC. Once again the MSM is working with the republicans, to enact the conservative agenda. Only explanation I can think of why no one is talking about perjury. Once again proving IOKIYAR. Always and forever.

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We can do that???? Wow I didn't know.

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“makes the GOP functionally irrelevant in government”I like the sound of that.

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You should do all final versions in Papyrus to be fancy.

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seems it's gonna be easier to boost the supreme court to 11 or 13 members in 2019 or 2021 than it's gonna be to impeach justices thomas, roberts & (o god please not) kavanaugh for perjury. on the other hand, impeachment is the right thing to do, even if it/they fail/s. goddam hellish dilemmas these here fascists are leaving strewn all around them, ain't they? not to mention the punctuation problems...

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NPR = Nice Polite Republicans

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The Hill tells me that (steemed Senator) "Collins' office received 3,000 coat hangers protesting Kavanaugh" which will mean nothing, as Collins is full of shit, yet can't find a single one to give for her constituents.

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He can be impeached, yes.

There's zero chance of successfully doing so unless there's a blue wave in '18 and then a blue earthquake in '20 that makes the GOP functionally irrelevant in government.

But the damage done in two years can be almost incalculable. I mean, Gorsuch doesn't even believe in 'one man, one vote.'

Let's see what the 2020 election looks like with that going on.

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He can be impeached. That's my understanding, anyway. So if they finally dig up the photos of him stabbing his own mother to death and eating her corpse - maybe his Republican counterparts... Oh, never mind. They love that shit.

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Sens.Collins and Murkowski have been assured, pinky swear, cross my heart, that he would do NO SUCH THING, the darling boy!

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It sure would be a weird coincidence if a guy, who was explicitly picked for a SCOTUS nomination by a nit wit who campaigned on the promise he would appoint only “no choice but birth” judges, from a list of such judges compiled by a group dedicated to said bullshit, actually does just that when given the chance.

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