Defense cuts hurt the private sector because then the DoD can't get charged $700 for a toilet seat.

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According to conservative pundits and the Republican Congressional leadership, public sector jobs aren't "real jobs", but they still include them when talking about job losses, for some reason.

Why do you think that is? My guess is they don't want anyone to notice their policies are what's wrecking the economy right now, but I could be wrong.

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In some ways, this is really "it". I imagine a good many of these fuckers were figuring all along that after the Stupor Committee failed, they'd just magic the defense part of the sequester out of existence.

But it does require enacting a law, so they are hanging their collective hat on ousting Bamz, because if he gets re-elected, exactly what motivation would he have <i>not</i> to veto any cheesy, dishonorable, one-sided-agreement-breaking de-sequestration bill?

This election really will be a referendum on how stupid the American electorate is.

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The GI Bill certainly helped build the American middle class all through the 1950sand early 1960s. Actually, up until we elected Ronald Reagan President.

Not to mention it was simply the right thing to do.

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In two World Wars the Russian army went into battle with one rifle for every three or so soldiers.

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Cook? Yes. Eat? Probably not so much.

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Aha, now I see why the GOP loves it so: the jerbs are all created overseas!

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Ha Ha (the spike-filled, branch-covered ditch, used to end cavalry charges) funny.

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<blockquote>Last week, three GOP senators — led by 2008 presidential candidate John McCain — traveled along the East Coast urging voters to help them overturn the automatic defense cuts next year.</blockquote>

The party of superior morals and fiscal responsibility is actually capable of taking back the Senate. Brilliant.

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they were hoping for less reach across and more reach around...

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I say, fuck 'em. They wanted to play chicken, and Obama should just play them some serious fucking chicken. Let the Bush tax cuts expire, let the Pentagon budget get axed, and let the fucking billionaires piss and moan, as noisily and publicly as possible. The 99% (of voters, suckas!) will love it.

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* Tiger Woods, is that you?

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Obama must apologize for not compromising in undoing the law created by our failure to compromise.

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the mandatory lobotomy is a tough one though...

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Also too, after the jobs have been created, with the education, infrastructure and first responding stuff, you have a result that enables more job creation. There's not much job creation enabled by turning a wedding party into a smoking crater and scattered limbs.

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I think that was around the time that it was inconceivable that a compulsive liar would be a viable candidate for President, wasn't it?

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