He still had it in his pocket from his S&M lunch session. It's actually a ball gag.

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As the old saying goes, I'll believe that when the State of Texas executes one.

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The Jackass Night Panda video toohttps://youtu.be/SH9xxOHGbDk

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The local news around there isn't any better about this.

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Save your characters. Say "Barr is lying" instead.

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If you cut Taxes on the rich they will use that money to buy more politicians to further lower there taxes.

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Have to disagree on one point, Liz. No, I never bought the cheap T-shirts and I don't take pharmaceuticals, apart from the 12 weeks a few years ago I took a pill a day to eliminate Hep C.

I'm more than aware of the high price of cheap clothes. I don't buy them; I don't wear them. Mostly, I wear vintage (many of the items in my closet have ILGWU labels). When I buy new, I buy ethically and sustainably produced. A few of those items are made in China (Loomstate jeans and Neuaura shoes), but most are made in the USA.

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So, the federal government is now talking about nationalizing industries. Good. I've got a list.

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"...none of these people give a rat's ass about American supply chains. There's no "conservatism" any more. The GOP wants cheap shit at Walmart, and they want to scream about socialism. That's it, there's nothing else left."

This is so totally wrong - they also have racism, fraud, and cronyism. The whole appeal of the GOP is twofold - if your life sucks, they will make sure EVERYONE'S life sucks so you won't feel like such a loser. And there is a non-zero chance you can ingratiate yourself to someone in power and ride some coattails into an easier life.

It could totally happen. Maybe you meet a senator at the local bar while he is stopping by for a beer between town halls he's not holding, and you tell him a joke, and he laughs. Next thing you know, you're the assistant chief of staff in charge of making sure all the staff hates minorities just like you do, and you're on easy street.

And in the meantime, you can rant and rave against government waste and how much money THOSE people get for doing nothing.

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Back in the 1980s, R-holes said the same things about Japan. They even wrote songs about it:


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If you want a party made up of kooks who believe in absolute free market theory, you should vote for Libertarians.

If you want a centrist party that leans towards Democratic Socialism for all, you should vote for Democrats.

If you want a right-wing, white Evangelical party that believes in socialism for the rich and libertarianism for everyone else, vote Republican.

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We dodged a bullet there and it only cost us 100k American lives give or take.

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And then we see them try to spin or rationalize or bullshit when United Widgets takes a few billion in "reshoring funds" and does nothing but buy back stocks to give the shareholders big dividends and move their last US factory to Cheaplaborstan.

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Well after Republicans created all those jobs by throwing billions of dollars at FoxConn to move to Wisconsin, I'm sure this exercise in spending without oversight will produce equally impressive results.

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Foxconn will be at the front of the line to bring those jobs back to America

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Hell yes.

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