Yep, pretty much any western set post-Civil War, someone would produce a Gatling Gun for the really big fight.

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As we see the Republicans currently proving...

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In support of the children, the Congress will name the bill "The Shooty Shooty Bang Bang Bill".

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Gatling guns - weren't they a staple of westerns on TV?

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House Republicans have been gutting the social safety net over the last few weeks, hoping the warnings of policy nerds would be drowned out by the bloodcurdling screams echoing from Trump's baby jails.Pretty soon every school will be turned into a Trump baby jail.

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Nice mention of the classic game Shadowrun! Kudos!

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The bigger the bully the bigger the coward.

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"Guns, guns, guns! My life would be so boring without them!"That was mildly amusing when it was a fictional character from the RPG Shadowrun saying it back in the 80s, now that it seems like a common sentiment among too many Americans, it's not so amusing any more.

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Only the hand-cranked version. And there's no man-portable one, despite what Predator would have you believe. But rotary barrel machine guns have been widely used for decades, because distributing the heat among multiple barrels allows for a much higher rate of fire.

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Well, really they just want to keep you too poor, too scared and too stupid to be anything but a cog in a machine, and not a threat to them or their money.

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I used to think exactly the same thing, until I heard Vlad the Astrophysicist's best guess on the topic, which seems pretty damn plausible to me:


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That's the historical context. Nancy did indeed say "impeachment is off the table" over a decade ago, referring to a president who had publicly bragged about committing war crimes. She thought that would seem too "partisan", you see.

She may have been right too, though I vehemently disagreed with her at the time.

Flash forward 11 years or so, and she's paraphrasing her earlier statement by saying "I do not think that impeachment is a policy agenda," for the exact same reason she gave in 2006 for her "off the table" position. I've learned my lesson; If we have an either/or choice between impeaching the orange buffoon, or electing another Democrat for two terms in the White House, I know which way I'd choose.

It will be satisfying when Republicans get their Trumpuppence later this year, and even more so when Dumbass Don gets humiliated by double digits at the polls in 2020.

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Civilizations on other planets would inevitably experience their own version of The Singularity. The optimists think it will be a near Nirvana of machine augmented humanity. I disagree. A sufficiently self aware AI would have no reason to keep us around. Unless we imbue them with a kitteh appreciation algorithm. Our future at best will be as pets.

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I hope that you are right. It seems that there is no intelligent life here.

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I'm not sure if I follow your logic, but your conclusion is spot on!

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