Thought the Gulf oil spill was Barry's Katrina. How many Katrinas can one president not named Bush possibly have?

And will Germany be Dilma Rousseff's <a href="http:\/\/www.thejournal.ie\/brazils-president-anger-world-cup-1561517-Jul2014\/" target="_blank">Katrina</a>?<i> 'Katrina' klingt wie Deutsch, nicht wahr?


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...so was the plane that hit the Pentagon on 9/11!

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Eh, that Lady Liberty's just a Frenchie harlot.

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Somebody already did, from their bowels.

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Think about it, if you were surrounded by these Tea Party folks and End of Worlders and Obama is Galactus folks on all those book tours he does, wouldn't anyone with an IQ north of Ushuaia start looking for a way out?

I think Glenn Beck has finally broken free from his own self-imposed Stockholm syndrome, where his scripted rants have created an actual crazed cult that can't differentiate reality from their talking points.

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My FB feed is filled with alternating pics of hatred against brown children and a bunch of baby pics of the newest edition to our family, who is Asian.

If the year was 1942, I would wager the races would be reversed.

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Really expensive soccer balls?

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Obama wants money to enforce the laws that Congress passed? I thought he was supposed to be impeached for refusing to enforce the laws that Congress passed. With this kind of confusion, how will we ever get to the bottom of Benghazi which was "terror" but not, according to wingnuts, by terrorists?

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...clearly this is another <strong>"FALSE FLAG"</strong> operation! If you weren't so <strong>TRENDY</strong> you would have noticed that these "kids" look just like the children supposedly killed in Sandy Hook and Benghazi!!! #Fakts!!!

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Soccer balls = articulos DEPORTivos. Sounds like the repubs should be in favor.

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No doubt they're already talking about impeaching her.

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Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

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This might put a bit of a crimp in Boehner's "I'm a-gonna SUE!" strategy that the President is a lawless monarch.

Aw who am I kidding? Boehner will sue him for simultaneously following and not following the law, without seeing the brain-bending logic needed to reach that position.

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there is no peak Hill Hate. No Billary Singularity. No Clenis Clowncar small enough to hold all their spite.

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