Ninja and a couple of others here are obsessed with smearing progressives and routinely make these kinds o sneaky attacks on progressive figures. There’s a big difference between saying you’re not planing on voting for Clinton and saying that she’s just as bad as Trump.

So the question is, why does Ninja spend so much time spreading lies about progressives?

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I'm glad these Trumpians are whining about how Biden is not doing things the way they want him to.

It's evidence that Biden is on the right path.

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Who says Rethuglicans don't modify their rhetoric? Why, it was just yesterday that they accused the Dems of "forcing stuff down people's throat". See how much moderate "ramming things through" is?

Though I guess they both speak to Rethuglicans' overwhelming and unending homophobia.

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I thought the 1.9 trillion was the counter offer, having seen how the GOP works (fucks everything up). The 600 billion Republican offer was a piece of shit.

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Especially how dare Biden try to get something that the people want done, done.

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...I also do associate some drunken (non-US) uniformed revelry from the 1980's with the tune as well, yes.

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I don't know about that, LOL but all the Astros fans who laughed at the guy when I said that are!

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It felt like an eternity.

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Yes it did. Some days it felt like a million eternities.

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Not so much homophobia as rabid closet cases.

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Love gaucheatude! Spelled it wrong but like I the cheat in the center!

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Usually the committee process manages this aspect.

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It's so hard to keep conspiracies straight these days.

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That "let's not make laws that potentially address future problems" argument is sort of undercut by the fact that it's worked out fine in the past. Like, I don't know, Lend Lease? He's probably sad how that turned out though, so it may not register with him.

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They are all apparatchiks.

And can we talk about Alina Mukhutdinova, while we're at it? The shady Russian wife of the guy who owns Parler?

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